- It also organised promotional activities in Chongqing and Ningxia. 它亦于重庆和宁夏举办宣传活动。
- In Nov., flied to Chongqing and negotiated with the Guomindang. 1944年11月,到重庆同国民党谈判。
- Students should abide by the laws both in China and Shenyang Agricultural University. 在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法律以及学校的规章制度。
- Headquartered in Dalian, the company has also branch offices in Harbin, Changchun and Shenyang. 企业总部设在大连,在哈尔滨、长春、沈阳均设有分支办事机构。
- Partnership with China's Northeast Institute of Forestry and Shenyang University of agriculture. 与东北林业大学和沈阳农业大学的有关专家建立了合作关系。
- Horse-riding is in Hong Kong; sailing is in Qingdao; and there's football in Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenyang. 赛马是在香港;航行比赛是在青岛;还有足球是在上海,天津和沈阳三个城市同时进行的。
- To representative QRS business for Chongqing and Sichuan marketing development and customer local services. 代表公司在重庆和四川地区开拓体系认证业务。
- Methods This survey was carried out among 657 drug addicts in 5 areas of Beijing, Haerbin, Xian, Chongqing and Guizhou. 方法自拟"药物滥用因素调查表",对北京、哈尔滨、西安、重庆、贵州和武汉等地区657例接受脱毒治疗的阿片成瘾者进行调查。
- DongDa is obliged to offord the more normative,secure and ascendant services for the ChongQing and southwest People. 重庆东大肛肠医院将为重庆及西南地区人民提供更加标准化,人性化的医疗服务。
- This study analyzes the invalidation of Engel coefficient and its reasons using the survey data of Harbin and Shenyang’s poverty population. 本文利用对哈尔滨市和沈阳市贫困人口的调查数据,分析了恩格尔系数在我国城市贫困测量中失效的问题及原因。
- At present,specially provide for OE products to changan-ford of Chongqing and ford of Australia. 目前,专门为重庆长安福特及澳大利亚福特提供OE产品。
- Bashu chafing dish represented by Chongqing and Chengdu Chafing dish is spreading all over China now. 摘要以重庆火锅、成都火锅为代表的巴蜀火锅遍布全国。
- "One Palace and Three Imperial Mausoleums"are the symbols of the culture of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning and Shenyang area. “一宫三陵”是辽沈地区清文化的象征。一宫为沈阳故宫,三陵分别为永陵、昭陵和福陵。
- In Huangdao, Jiaozhou, Pingdu, Jinan, Dalian, Hefei, Wuhan, Chongqing and other places have offices. 在黄岛、胶州、平度、济南、大连、合肥、武汉、重庆等地设有办事处。
- Both in Chongqing and in Sanya, taxi-drivers attacked cars that refused to join the strike. 在重庆和三亚两地,出租车司机砸毁了拒绝参加罢工的司机的出租车。
- Out of this, Jingiang has been selected to build the Flanker, and Shenyang has been selected for the J-10.This means that it wont produce any flankers. 这个对生产J-6西安已经选择建造侧卫,而沈阳选择J-10, 这意味着中国将生产更多的侧卫。
- Besides, we put forward some extant questions in acclimating of residential housing in Chongqing and analyzed it. 同时,提出重庆住宅建筑在适应气候方面现存的一些问题并进行分析。
- Liaoning University was merged from the Northeast College of Finance and Economics, Shenyang Teachers' College and Shenyang Russian College in 1958. 摘要辽宁大学是1958年由东北财经学院、沈阳师范学院、沈阳俄文专科学校合并而成。
- Changsha, Chongqing and Nanning had the highest ratios of worried women, while Kunming and Dalian had the lowest ratios. 长沙、重庆和南宁感到焦虑的女性比例最高,而昆明和大连的这一比例为最低。
- Thirty-two years, and at the National by wuzhou, Zhou mouth, crossing, Wuhu, Nanning, Yingkou and Shenyang seven semicolon. 二十八年,在清政府庚子两次赔款、朝廷财政困难时,他积极筹措,大做汇兑,使日升昌从中大获其利。