- A small armadillo(Chlamyphorus truncatus) of Argentina,having pale pink armor and thick,silky white hair. 铠鼹一种阿根廷小犰狳(倭犰狳),有淡粉红色的甲壳和浓密柔滑的白毛
- A small armadillo(Chlamyphorus truncatus)of Argentina, having pale pink armor and thick, silky white hair. 铠鼹一种阿根廷小犰狳(倭犰狳),有淡粉红色的甲壳和浓密柔滑的白毛
- A small armadillo(Chlamyphorus truncatus) of Argentina, having pale pink armor and thick, silky white hair. 铠鼹一种阿根廷小犰狳(倭犰狳),有淡粉红色的甲壳和浓密柔滑的白毛
- Chlamyphorus truncatusn. 红毛犰狳
- Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is mammal, order Cetacea. It lives in seas worldwide, mostly in temperate and warm, but can be found also in Artic and Antarctic Ocean. 宽吻海豚是哺乳纲,鲸目海豚科的一种。它通常生活在世界上气候温热的海域,但是在南北冰洋也发现了它的踪迹。
- Zygocactus truncatus [crab cactus] 蟹爪兰
- Bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) 长江江豚
- Phacus trimarginatus var. truncatusn. 三脊扁裸藻平截变种
- sinensis Palmer, and Neolepisorus truncatus Ching et P.S. sinensis Palmer和截基盾蕨Neolepisorus truncatus Ching et P.;S
- Study on extracting method of red pigment in Schlumbergera truncatus 蟹爪兰红色素提取工艺的研究
- Keywords zygocactus truncatus;pigment;extraction;physico-chemical property; 蟹爪兰;色素;提取;理化性质;
- Developmental threshold temperature and effective thermal summation of the eggs of Tetranychus truncatus and T. Urticae 吉林省截形叶螨与二斑叶螨卵的发育起点温度和有效积温
- Developmental threshold temperature and the effective accumulated temperature of Tetranychus truncatus Ehara 截形叶螨发育起点温度和有效积温
- Study on extraction and characterization of red pigment from zygocactus truncatus 蟹爪兰红色素的提取及性质研究
- 7. Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is mammal, order Cetacea. It lives in seas worldwide, mostly in temperate and warm, but can be found also in Artic and Antarctic Ocean. 宽吻海豚是哺乳纲,鲸目海豚科的一种。它通常生活在世界上气候温热的海域,但是在南北冰洋也发现了它的踪迹。收藏指正
- 6. Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is mammal, order Cetacea. It lives in seas worldwide, mostly in temperate and warm, but can be found also in Artic and Antarctic Ocean. 宽吻海豚是哺乳纲,鲸目海豚科的一种。它通常生活在世界上气候温热的海域,但是在南北冰洋也发现了它的踪迹。收藏指正
- Chlamyphorusn. 红毛犰狳属
- Chlamyphorus retususn. 呆犰狳
- Plectropomus truncatus 截尾鳃棘鲈
- Tetranychus truncatus Ehara 截形叶螨