- Chio Ngan Ieng 招银英(1952-),澳门人,全国政协委员。
- Ngan: Anyone witnessed that you were 127 lbs? 颜:有没有人亲睹你127磅?
- The legal representative: chio are at shizhang. 法定代表人:陈继均,该厂厂长。
- This LRV is on route 610, next stop is Ngan Wai. 本班为610线列车,下一站系银围。
- "Antau chio ghi dirus, ke ghi ne estas tigro, sed leono. "它首先要说的是,它不是老虎,而是狮子。"
- First there was Ko Samui, then Ko Pha Ngan;now, the cult of Ko Tao. 起初这里叫厦美岛后来改名叫哈干岛,现在叫涛岛。
- Ngan: Therefore it is a huge wardrobe, how many pieces of clothes? 颜:所以是一个很大的衣橱,多少件衣服?
- Ngan: But what do you think your standard weight should be ? 颜:但你认为你的标准体重应是多少?
- Ngan: In real life, have you met any chivalrous person? 颜:在现实中你有没有遇上有侠义风范的人?
- But defense lawyers suspect that Ieng Sary's ability to assume the state. 不过辩护律师们怀疑英萨利的状态是否能够承担。
- Ngan: Have you any doubts about it? Sometimes names have to be popular. 颜:你有没有动摇过?有时名字也会讲及是否流行.
- As far as defense counsel, argued that because of King amnesty, so Ieng Sary should not be tried again. 辩护律师以此为据,辩说因为被国王特赦,因此英萨利不应该再受到审判。
- Ieng Sary was tried in absentia and sentenced by the court that he committed a "crime of massacre. 英萨利曾经受到缺席审判,并且被裁决他犯下了“屠杀罪”。
- They said that Ieng Sary in court intends to fully exercise the right to defend himself. 他们表示,英萨利有意在法庭上行使完全的权利为自己辩护。
- It is expected all ships under compulsory pilotage will pick up pilots at Ngan Chau PBS by the end of 1998. 预期到一九九八年底,所有须接受强制领港的船舶,均会在银洲领港员登船区接载领港员。
- There are six characters to date, including AGNA, CHIO, HAZZ, JADO, RAVON & TIMIN. 目前已诞生了六个机器人,分别是AGNA,CHIO,HAZZ,JADO,RAVON和TIMIN。
- Pol Pot's right-hand man, Nuon Chea (known as Brother Number Two), and his foreign minister, Ieng Sary, are both ailing and in their 80s. 波尔布特的左膀右臂农谢(人称二兄),还有他的外长英萨利,都是八十多岁的病人了。
- Francis Bacon(1561-1626) kaj Descartes(1596-1650) vidis filozofion kiel tuteca scienco, kiu donas scion pri chio en formo de logikaj konceptajhoj. (培根(1561-1626)和笛卡尔(1596-1650)把哲学看作全面性的科学,以逻辑概念的形式给予全面的知识。
- Dr HUANG Chen-ya and Mr NGAN Kam-chuen addressed the Council on the motion and their proposed amendments respectively. 黄震遐议员及颜锦全议员分别就议案及其各自之拟议修正。
- BEIJING, June 30 electric power as the Khmer Rouge Foreign Minister Ieng Sary on the 30th for the first time in court to receive trial on charges of war. 中新网6月30日电红色高棉执政时期担任外长的英萨利30日首次出庭接受战争罪名审判。