- Chinese white bait 银鱼科鱼类
- Lets go to watch Chinese White Dolphin! 一起出海观察中华白海豚!
- B: It must be as good as Dynasty. I like Chinese white wine. 它一定和王朝一样的好。我喜欢中国的白葡萄酒。
- Mechanism of 2n pollen occurring in Chinese white poplar. 毛白杨未减数2n花粉发生机制的研究
- I just bought one kilo of Chinese white pears at a fruit stand. 我刚在水果摊儿上买了2斤白梨。
- Chinese White Dolphins living in Hong Kong waters, also a mascot of Hong Kong. 生活在香港水域的中华白海豚,亦是香港的吉祥物。
- AK10.1- EW and AK15.7-WBM (in Chinese White ) stand for decrease effect. 表现减效的有:AK10.;1-EW(全净膛重)和AK15
- Thecolor of sapwood of Chinese white poplar among trees has significant difference. 毛白杨边材材色株间存在显著差异。
- Hong Kong is home to 180 Chinese White Dolphins, 84 coral species and almost 1,000 species of marine fish. 香港亦是180条中华白海豚84种珊瑚和近1,000种海洋鱼类的安乐窝。
- Pollution is perhaps one of the greatest risks to the Chinese White Dolphins that inhabit the area. 污染可能是在这个区域生活着的中华白鳍豚最大的威胁。
- The waters around Soko Islands are important habitats for the Chinese white dolphin and Finless porpoise. 大小鸦洲邻近水域是中华白海豚与江豚的重要生境。
- Especially,the survival ratio of shoot cuttage(96.4%)was higher than the Chinese white poplar(38.2%). 该嵌合体扦插成活率远高于毛白杨(38.;2%25),达96
- In Beijing area,it is very difficult to roise seedlings of Chinese white poplar from seeds due to their abortion. 在北京地区,由于毛白杨种子败育,因而以播种的方法获得实生苗非常困难。
- The extract of Chinese white poplar root was used to treat the seeds of soybean,corn,wheat,peanut and weeds. 用毛白杨根系提取液处理大豆、玉米、小麦、花生和常见田间杂草的种子,进行发芽试验,研究毛白杨是否存在他感作用。
- Then the cook uses cut or sculptured tomatoes, Chinese white radishes, cucumbers to make the dish more beautiful. 除此之外,厨师们还会用削好或是雕刻好的西红柿、白萝卜、黄瓜装点菜肴,使菜肴看起来更加漂亮。
- Species whith strong resistance such as I 69/55,I 72/58 and Chinese white poplar show high values in the three index. 田间表现抗病的品种 ,如 I-69/5 5、I-72 /5 8和毛白杨 ,其上述三项指标高 ;
- Sale of Chinese white sugar, Purchase of molasses, agency on international sugar futures trading. 中国白糖出口,糖蜜进口,代理食糖期货业务。
- The stuffing includes minced pork, prawns, Chinese white cabbage, and diced Chinese mushrooms. 馅料包括了猪肉,虾,白菜,冬菇粒。
- The sun (2) new breakthrough of project of development of implementation triploid Chinese white poplar. 太阳(2)实现三倍体毛白杨开发工程新突破。
- Title: Studies on the Volatile Aroma Compounds in Fruit of Chinese White Olive Sanling (Canarium album Raeusch. 关键词:棱榄;果实;香气;固相微萃取;气相色谱-质谱联用仪