- A great tool for Chinese language teacher. 堪称中文教师最佳的教学辅助工具。
- Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association. 汉语教师协会志。
- An infinitude enchantment experienced , humors Chinese language teacher. 具有无穷的魅力,经验丰富且幽默风趣的汉语教师.
- Chinese language teachers in the primary schools are faced with two problems: (a) How to make the students understand? 教小学生学华语,老师面对的最棘手问题有两个:一、要怎样使学生理解?
- That's what Rear-Admiral Teo meant when he said that Chinese language teachers had a heavy responsibility and a long-term mission to fulfill. 此即张志贤准将讲的华文教师在这方面扮演的角色是任重而道远的意思。
- Chinese language teachers in the primary schools are faced with two problems: First,how to make the students understand? 教小学生学华语,老师面对的最棘手问题有两个首先是要怎样使学生理解?
- Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, with Frank Hsueh. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Monograph Series, no. 1. 功能主义与汉语语法。(戴浩一、薛凤生主编)北京语言学院出版社。
- Based on the recorded materials collected in classroom, this paper compares lexical uses of experienced Chinese language teachers with those of the would-be teachers. 本文以课堂中收集的语料为基础,对比分析了有经验教师和无经验教师的语言输入。
- UMass Confucius Institute plans to make donations for Sichuang through our New England Chinese Language Teachers Network soon.This network has more than 400 members. 麻州大学波士顿分校孔子学院预备通过有新英格兰地区汉语教师协会组织募捐,该组织有400多名成员。
- The guardian of a Chinese Language teacher at a school in Korea could be an individual adult, or an organization. The guardian may be inside or outside of China. 担保人资料凡与此教师有关系的成年人或合法机构,无论在中国境内还是境外,均可作为该教师的担保人;
- Another way to gauge the standard of Chinese is to obtain private feedback from lecturers at the National Institute of Education. The gap in proficiency of Chinese language teachers under training is widening. 另一个测量语文程度低落的方式,是悄悄向教育学院的讲师们打听,会发现受训的师资中,华文能力的差异正在扩大。
- So, besides teaching the language, the Chinese language teachers can make a difference when it comes to helping students to cultivate a greater understanding of life and how to cope with it. 可见,身为华文教师者在教导华文之余,在传授为人处世道理方面亦扮演着举足轻重的角色。
- So,besides teaching the language,the Chinese language teachers can make a difference when it comes to helping students to cultivate a greater understanding of life and how to cope with it. 可见,身为华文教师者在教导华文之余,在传授为人处世道理方面亦扮演着举足轻重的角色。
- The Chinese language teachers therefore have the important mission of imparting this abundant knowledge and wisdom in Chinese culture to succeeding generations of Chinese Singaporeans and,in the process,help younger Singaporeans in character-building. 而华文教师就肩负了将此文化知识灌输给下一代新加坡华人,帮助他们塑造完美人格的使命,堪称任重道远。
- This is not totally wrong except that the students get tired of practice very soon. When this happens,the students think that Chinese is a dull subject and lose interest. What is worse is that they think Chinese language teachers are out-dated. 这原则上没有不对,只是单调的重复练习太多了,学生感到厌倦,不但觉得华文课没趣味,更糟的是认为老师落伍,提不起学习的兴趣。
- Given all these,the Chinese language teachers are surely the best people to ensure that the Chinese traditions and philosophy continue to be further developed in the Chinese community in Singapore,so that they become part and parcel of our lives. 毋庸置疑,欲将这些传统与哲理发扬光大,使之得以脉脉相传,承先启后,非华文教师莫属。
- Given all these,the Chinese language teachers are surely the very people to ensure that the Chinese traditions and philosophy continue to be further developed in the Chinese community in Singapore,so that they can be passed on generation by generation. 毋庸置疑,欲将这些传统与哲理发扬光大,使之得以脉脉相传,承先启后,非华文教师莫属。
- I hope our Chinese language teachers will take it upon themselves to scout for budding writers,and to encourage students who are strong in Chinese to emulate Chinese literary figures for their desire for literary creation and their love for the language. 我希望我们的华文老师们,以发掘写作人才为己任,多多鼓励华文水准强的学生,学习中国文人好创作,爱文字的特质。
- I hope our Chinese language teachers will take it upon themselves to scout for budding writers, and to encourage students who are strong in Chinese to emulate Chinese literary figures for their desire for literary creation and their love for the language. 我希望我们的华文老师们,以发掘写作人才为己任,多多鼓励华文水准强的学生,学习中国文人好创作,爱文字的特质。
- This is not totally wrong except that the students get tired of practice very soon. When this happens, the students think that Chinese is a dull subject and lose interest. What is worse is that they think Chinese language teachers are out-dated. 这原则上没有不对,只是单调的重复练习太多了,学生感到厌倦,不但觉得华文课没趣味,更糟的是认为老师落伍,提不起学习的兴趣。