- They are compiling a Chinese English dictionary. 他们在编一本汉英辞典。
- Mine is a chinese english dictionary. 我的字典是一本汉英词典。
- The Chinese English dictionary is already completed in manuscript. 汉英词典已经脱稿。
- Good comm of both Chinese English communication skills. 诚实可信;良好的敬业精神.
- Is this fixed time concept a right way to analyze the market activities? 固定单位时间用日常生活中所使用的固定时间单位去分析市场价格活动是正确的观念?
- What is the most difficult part for most Chinese English language learners? 中国人学习英语时,最大的困难是什么?
- In contact with him, we find that they have no time concept, at the beginning we do not understand why? 在接触中,我们发现她们没有时间概念,开始时我们对此十分不解?
- Well,this book I'll say is an inspirational book for most Chinese English learners. 这本书是一本写给大多数中国英语学习者的激励性质的书。
- The computer start up with me sometimes putting up one big string English time self check up being engaged in such that will suffer from neurasthenia soon! 电脑有时开机自检时出一大串英文把我搞得都快神经衰弱了!
- The variations are an expression of postmodernist time concept, and are an artistic language for destructing time. 它们体现了后现代主义的时间观念,是一种解构时间艺术语言。
- Allow me to present you with a copy of "The Chinese English Dictionary" published by Commercial Publishing House. 请允许我奉上商务出版社出版的《汉英词典》。
- Liu: I'll say what I did in America or with Americans can be applied to Chinese English learners. 刘:我想说,我在美国或为美国人所做的培训同样适用于中国英语学习者。
- How much of your training experience with Americans can be applied to Chinese English learners? 你对美国人的培训经验有多少能适用于中国的英语学习者?
- In a word, I was hardworking, honest, heartiness, and brave enough to face new challenges, I also have strong time concept, good habits and decent in my life. 做事踏实,诚实守信,热心待人,勇于挑战自我,时间观念强,有着良好的生活习惯和正派作风。
- A general trend in the evolution of the space and time concepts is a process of "abstraction". This process is not, however, identified with a movement from "loadedness" toward "blankness". 时空概念演变的一般趋向是一“抽象”过程,而这一过程没有被看作是从“积载”向“空白”的演变。
- As a native Chinese speaker, know better how to solve problems in studying English for Chinese English learners. 母语为汉语并精通英语,更了解中国人的英语问题,更懂得对症下药。
- Music , reading, self-assessment has a strong sense of responsibility , time concept is strong, have altitude professional ethics , sincere fervency, have very strong affinity. 音乐、读书,自我评价责任心强,时间观念强,有高度敬业精神,真诚热情,有很强的亲和力。
- The Individual Value Was Recognited In Science Arranging Time Of Confucius, The Time That The Plant Grow Be Disobeyed Of Mencius, And The Time Concept Be Desalt Of Zhuang Zi. 孔子的科学安排人时间,孟子的不违农时,庄子的将时间观念淡化等,都体现了对个体自我价值的重视。
- It should be a fun and interesting process. However,traditional Chinese English teaching is basically grammar and knowledge centered. 这本应该是充满乐趣的事情,但我国传统的英语教学基本是以讲授语法和语言知识为中心。
- Literary modernity is a conception in axiology as well as a time conception. 摘要文学现代性不仅是一种时间概念,也是一种价值论意义上的概念。