- Chinglish, speech or writing in English that shows the interference of the Chinese thinking mode, has become the major barrier hi Chinese-to-English translation. 在翻译工作中,忽视不同思维模式转换的重要性,往往是造成翻译失误的主要原因。
- Differences in English and Chinese Thinking Mode 思维模式差异
- Obstacles Resulted from Chinese Thinking Mode 中文思维障碍
- Most Chinese think he will be therefrom unwelcome. 大多数中国人认为他将从此不受欢迎。
- English and Chinese thinking modes 英汉思维方式
- differences of English and Chinese thinking modes 英汉思维方式差异
- It's Hard to Say Talking Liver Helps Nourish Liver Addressing on One of the Ancient Chinese Thinking Mode--Analogy 肝未必补肝,胆未必补胆谈中国古代的一种思维方式--类推
- Chinese thinking mode 汉语思维模式
- And the thinking mode of westerners in logic, analysis and linear. 而西方人的思维模式则以逻辑、分析、线性为特点。
- The travelling overseas Chinese think of local flavour. 海外游子思念家乡风味。
- The new policy incorporated the thinking mode of the new premier. 这项新政策体现了新任首相的思维模式。
- The essay discusses the aesthetic sense in the theory of Chinese painting in respect of dialectical thinking mode and epistemology. 本文着重从辩证的对立统一思想方法和认识论上谈中国绘画理论中的审美观念。
- Through the analysis of the major points and the thinking mode of the Japanese enterprise culture, this paper aims to enlighten the construction of Chinese enterprise culture. 通过对日本企业文化中的著力点、思维方式的分析,给我国的企业文化建设以启示。
- It's an important topic of current logic research in China to draw from the legacies of Chinese ancient sages in thinking and logics for the cultivation of our thinking mode. 摘要撷取中华先哲思维艺术和逻辑遗产的精华,引出对今人思维表达有益的借鉴,是中国逻辑研究的重要课题。
- Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode. 摘要生成性教学是生成性思维视域下的教学形态。
- Chinese thinking modes 汉语思维
- And what is more, in traditional Chinese thinking, cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity. 还有,按照中国的传统观念,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的象征。
- In traditional Chinese thinking, jade always symbolized the holy, honourable and immortal. 按照中国的传统观念,玉是圣洁高贵、永远不朽的象征。
- So, we couldn't simply make the intellectuality thinking equal to the metaphysical thinking mode. 因此,不能简单地把知性思维与形而上学的思维方式划上等号。
- Chinese thinking pattern is circular. A Chinese essay follows a circular line of development. 汉语的思维模式属于迂回型思维。