- Chinese studies in America 美国汉学(中国学)
- Larry, who is from Taiwan, is studying in America. 赖瑞是台湾人,他现在在美国念书。
- His wish to study in America is quite understandable. 他要在美国学习的愿望是可以理解的。
- When she studied in America, she would write home every month. 她在美国念书的时候,每个月都会写信回家。
- By James Legge has been pay more attention as a pioneer of Chinese Studies in the West. 以理雅各为先驱的西方汉学研究又被重视起来。
- In contemporary Sinology (Chinese studies in the West), the traditional Chinese aesthetic concept "inscape" (jing) is an important subject of research. 摘要在西方当代汉学研究中,中国传统审美概念“境”,包括“意境”和“境界”,是一个重要的学术课题,该课题的入门之径,是对“境”这一术语的翻译和阐释。
- A very important initiative to organize Chinese studies in this subcontinent was taken by the great poet and educationist Rabindranath Tagore. 后来,南亚次大陆地区中国研究真正推进者是伟大的诗人和教育家泰戈尔。
- Michigan Monographs in Chinese Studies, No. 密歇根中国研究论丛之七十四。
- In consideration of its long-range interests in China, America decided to return part of its share of the indemnity as funds for Chinese students to study in America. 美国从对华长远利益考虑,决定退还部分赔款,作为中国向美国派遣留学生的经费。
- A year in America will cost you no end of money. 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。
- There is a chronic unemployment problem in America. 在美国存在长期失业问题。
- The Back Ground of Study in America Why you need careful to chose school? 如何选择留学美国的学校?
- He is engaged in studies in linguistics. 他从事于语言学的研究。
- Fashion is a very popular magazine in America. 《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。
- A Glimpse of Chinese Studies in Australia 澳大利亚中国问题研究一瞥
- I visited a few campuses when I was in America. 我在美国时访问了几所大学。
- The paper manages to interpret the Chinese study in the postwar Japan to show the formation and change of the concept of China among the postwar Japanese. 与此同时,中国经济的落后状态也使日本学界的中国认识发生了变化。 这里所考察的主要是战后日本的中国学界,拟通过对战后日本中国学的解析,勾勒出战后日本人的中国观的形成和变迁过程。
- They were the earliest settlers in America. 他们是最早去美国的移民。
- The condition of large quantities of Chinese studying in Japan and Japanese guiding in China osculated the relationship between Japan and China, going by the name of Golden Time. 大量中国人留学日本,日本的顾问教习也大批大批地来到中国,使这一时期的中日关系异常“密切”,新政时期也被称为中日关系史上的“黄金时期”。
- This film is making a lot of money in America. 这部电影在美国正赚大钱。