- Has Chinese Stock Market Been Weakly Effective? 我国股市是否达到弱式有效?
- R/S analysis for Chinese stock market efficiency. 中小企业贷款问题的进化博弈分析。
- Has Chinese Stock Market Realized Synchronization with the World? 中国股市是否实现了与世界同步?
- The Chinese stock market still isn't terribly mature. 中国的股市还不太成熟,散户太多了。
- Estimating volatility of Chinese stock market by stochastic volatility model. 基于随机波动性模型的中国股市波动性估计。
- That may not sound like an endorsement, but in the Chinese stock market, expensive is the new cheap. 这听起来可能不是像背书,但在中国股市,是昂贵的新的廉价。
- This article applies the across-sectional absolute deviation of return (CSAD), proves that there exists Herding Behavior on Chinese stock market. 采用横截面收益的绝对差(CSAD)的方法,对我国股票市场是否存在“羊群行为”进行了实证研究,得到我国的股票市场中确实存在著羊群行为。
- It is the feature in Chinese stock market, which the state owned share cant be circulated. 国有股占绝大比重但不能流通是中国证券市场的一大特点。
- Features of the Intraday Behavior in Chinese Stock Market: Momentum or Contrarain? 中国股市的日内特征:持续还是反转?
- After all why to come to know Chinese stock market at present high congeniality woollen cloth? 到底怎么来认识中国股市目前的高投机性呢?
- Accompanied by oil-exporting countries there are sad A Chinese stock market's electrical Shennan. 陪伴石油出口国家悲伤的还有中国A股市场上的深南电。
- For all the furore, the Chinese stock market is not a major source of funding for corporations. 尽管中国股市一片狂热,但它不是公司融资的主要渠道。
- Through ten years of development, the Chinese stock market has now reached a relatively high level. 通过十年的发展,中国的股票市场已经达到了一个相当高的水平。
- Gree Electric so executives pay price is hidden behind the Chinese stock market has too many defects in the system. 所以格力电器高管天价薪酬背后隐藏的是中国股市有太多的制度缺陷。
- However, the Chinese stock market "profiteering period" has ended, or will enter a period of relative stability gentle. 但中国股市的"暴利时期"已经结束,或将进入一个相股票软件对平缓的稳定时期。
- By using R/S analysis method,we empirically analyze Chinese stock market closing index with different time-windows and study the scale properties. 应用重标度极差分析法(R/S),对我国股票市场不同时间间隔的收盘指数进行实证分析,研究我国股票市场的标度特性。
- This article uses 30 minutes intervals during the trading session to study and suggests there are systematic intraday patterns in Chinese stock market. 本文利用有关指数每30分钟的收盘数据进行了研究,研究表明中国股票市场存在着系统性的日内交易价格模式。
- The existence of huge amount of non-tradable shares differentiates the Chinese stock market with its counterparts in other economies. 摘要中国股市中存在的大量非流通股是中国股市区别于其他国家证券市场的一个最为独特的现象。
- But there are also a large number of abnormal phenomena in Chinese stock market, and the investors" behavior is also abnormal sometimes. 但是,在中国的证券市场上也存在着大量的异常现象,投资者的投资行为也存在着非理性的现象。
- The volatility of Chinese stock market is estimated based on the stochastic volatility model and Bayesian analysis using MCMC. 本文具体的研究内容与结论总结如下:(1)基于随机波动性模型和MCMC的贝叶斯分析方法估计了中国股票市场的波动性。