- The Chinese residents overseas are much in the thoughts of the people at home. 祖国人民对海外同胞深为关怀。
- The savings deposits of Chinese residents are very high,showing an annual increase of around 800 billion yuan. 中国居民储蓄额很高,每年增加8000亿元左右。
- All Chinese residents holding foreign currencies are permitted to open accounts of C-type foreign currency deposit. 凡持有外币的中国境内居民均可以开立丙种外币存款账户。
- Article 2 BIP reports should cover all economic transactions betweenChinese residents and non Chinese residents. 第二条国际收支统计申报范围为中国居民与非中国居民之间发生的一切经济交易。
- Article 7 Chinese residents shall report their BIP, timely, accuratelyand completely and in an all-round way. 第七条中国居民应当及时、准确、全面地申报其国际收支。
- In some places, such as Afghanistan, Chinese residents have even been linked with prostitution rackets. 在阿富汗等地,中国居民甚至与卖淫联系在了一起。
- Han Chinese residents were seen assaulting minority Muslim Uighurs throughout Urumqi. 汉族民众袭击了乌鲁木齐各地的维吾尔族回教徒。
- So I'm glad that Ken March has came to help out brining SL to more Chinese residents! 我很高兴KenMarch能够帮助林登实验室将第二人生带给更多的说汉语的居民。
- Plus, China even has a SEXPO, where Chinese residents come to check out sex paraphernalia. 康师傅私房牛肉面108元一碗 天价面遭质疑康师傅,你的道歉几毛钱一瓶?
- A large turnout of Chinese residents is expected in Canberra on Thursday when the torch makes its way through the Australian capital. 本周四,奥运火炬将达到澳大利亚首都,预期将有大批华人聚集堪培拉。
- Since China is now moving towards CAL. it is of great importance to discuss the portfolio of Chinese residents after China liberalizes its capital account. 因此,讨论中国在资本账户开放后的居民资产组合问题具有重要的现实意义。
- Chinese speaking officers from NYPD Manhattan South Borough Community Affairs Bureau setup monthly forums at CCBA meeting room to assist Chinese residents. 纽约市警总局社区事务处华语联络官到中华公所举办每月一次的服务讲座,回答侨胞问题。
- The Notice also simplifies the list of documents that must be submitted when Chinese residents purchase foreign exchange in a current account for personal purposes. 通知还进一步简化境内居民个人经常项目下因私购汇凭证。
- All these factors synthetically make for the insensitivity of Chinese residents' consumption-savings to interest rate, and thus weaken the effect of monetary policy. 这些因素综合作用导致我国居民消费储蓄对利率的敏感度较低,货币政策效应下降。
- Banks' exposure to currency risks is currently low and flexibility alone is unlikely to cause Chinese residents to withdraw their deposits or provide channels for them to send their money abroad. 目前银行暴露出的货币风险还很低,而且单单实行汇率自由化不可能引起中国居民挤兑存款或者变成他们资金外逃的渠道。
- Is that not ignoring the fact there are Chinese residents with teams in both MZ Country and China?Are the teams to be vetted before this moving process, or will China have multiple teams moved ov ... 这段话是否应该这样理解:中国已经加入了国际版,那么许多在MZ国(联合国)里注册的中国玩家是否会转移到中国区?
- Is that not ignoring the fact there are Chinese residents with teams in both MZ Country and China?Are the teams to be vetted before this moving process, or will China have multiple teams moved over? 那是不忽略事实那里中国居民与队在MZ国家和中国吗?是队被治疗在这个移动的过程之前,或中国将有广泛队移过去吗?
- Two different versions of the same events: The Chinese government and pictures of the riots indicate it was Uyghur riot and attacks on Han Chinese residents that resulted in deaths and destruction. 同一件事情,两个不同的版本:中国政府的报道和暴乱的图片都显示维族人袭击了汉族居民且导致了死亡事件和破坏。
- Some Chinese residents have helped me with the importation of my motocycle into the country, and now my new friend Pai and I are strolling in the glorious garden of the New Summer Palace. 几个中国朋友已经帮我把摩托车运入中国,现在,我和我的新朋友Pai在修葺一新、美奂美伦的颐和园里闲逛。
- The British broadcaster said Chinese residents had been able to access BBCChinese.com in the runup to the Beijing Olympics, but that it had now become more difficult to view the site. 英国广播公司说,在奥运期间中国人可以浏览BBC中文网站,但是现在上这个网站变得困难了。