- Chinese Research Association of History of International Relations. 中国国际关系史研究会。
- As Chinese research expands, who is looking out for faked results? 作为中国研究的扩大,谁是寻找出伪造的结果如何?
- The Siberia Science Center has established friendly ties and co-operation with many Chinese research institutes. 新西伯利亚核物理所、化所等同中国的有关单位开展了卓有成效的合作。
- It is up to us to bring the results of recent Chinese research within the reach of foreign readers. 我们有责任使国外读者了解中国最近的研究成果。
- A study of overall situation of science workers in Chinese research institutes of P.E. 我国体育科学研究所科研队伍整体状况的调查研究。
- A joint European and Chinese research satellite has been launched from a base in southwestern China. 一颗由中国和欧洲航天局科学家们联合研究的探测卫星,日前在中国西南卫星发射基地成功发射升空。
- Title: A study of overall situation of science workers in Chinese research institutes of P.E. 关键词:科研人员;队伍;体育科学研究所;整体状况;结构状况
- However,the achievements of Chinese research in intermetallics that has leading effect are not much. 认为我国的研究成果很大,但对国内外研究有重大影响的成果不多。
- The goal will be to develop a forum for delivery of Chinese research results and accepted range management principles to farmers and herders. 本项目的目标是为了建立一个推广中国的研究成果的论坛,把草地管理原理和技术推广到农牧民中。
- Writing and editing English and Chinese research materials, proof-reading and translating English materials into Chinese and vice versa. 编写和编辑中、文市场研究资料,校对、译资料由英文译成中文或由中文译成英文。
- We identify centres of scientific excellence in China and fruitful areas of potential collaboration between UK and Chinese research teams and institutes. 我们要在中国开发具有科研优势的中心,确立两国研究小组或机构在多领域潜在的合作关系。
- Chinese research on the translation theory has a long history with more than 1800 years, starting from the Buddhist scripture at the end of Han Dynasty. 我国的翻译理论研究从汉末记载的佛经翻译开始,至今已有一千八百多年的历史。
- As Mr Brennan toured his firm's Chinese research centre, local managers beamed as they showed off a digital scanner here and a sparkling clean-room there. 在布莱南先生造访公司在中国设立的研究中心过程中,当地经理们向他展示了一台数字扫描仪和一间白净的无尘室。
- Jianyu structure and Bei structure is a comparatively weak point in Chinese research as well as a hard point to Korean students who learn Chinese as a second language. “被”字句和兼语句是现代汉语的重要的语法项目,同时也是留学生学习汉语语法时的重点和难点,他们在学习过程中或者经常误用其中的某种句式,或者经常将两种句式混淆起来。
- Recent Chinese research shows excessive drinking of carbonated drinks and coffee by youths ages 25-35 can make their bones fragile and may even lead to osteoporosis. 中国一项最新研究显示,过度饮用碳酸饮料或者咖啡,易使25-35岁的青年骨骼脆弱,甚至导致骨质疏松。
- Chinese Research Study on Internet is a way of learning, supported by the Internet and multimedia technologies.It is also a multidirectional idea activity to improve creativity. 网络环境下的语文研究性学习是以网络技术、多媒体技术等信息技术为支撑的学习方式,它是以培养人的创造能力和创新意识为核心的多向性思维活动。
- As cultural and academic exchanges between Singapore and China become more frequent,some Chinese research organisations have even begun active study into Singapore and South-east Asia. 新加坡与中国的文化学术交流日益频密,中国一些研究机构还积极开展对新加坡及东南亚的研究。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Nowadays, Chinese researches in these areas have lagged behind and have become bottleneck for the development of Chinese paper machinery. 目前,我国在这些领域的研究相对落后,已成为制约我国造纸机械发展的瓶颈。
- During this period, Chekhov is considered by Chinese researchers as one of the foreign writers who have got the biggest realistic writing achievement. 这一时期,契诃夫被中国研究者看作是写实成就最高的外国作家之一。