- Chinese reading difficulties 汉语学习困难
- The teacher diagnosed the boy's reading difficulties. 老师找出那孩子阅读上困难的原因。
- In Chiang Saen, signs in Chinese read CALL CHINA FOR ONLY 12 BAHT A MINUTE. 在泰国清盛,往中国打电话只需要12泰铢每分钟。
- Bond, G., Tinker, M., Wasson, B., &Wasson, J. (1994), Reading difficulties: Their diagnosis and correction, Needham Height, MA: Allyn &Bacon. 柯华葳、范信贤(1990);增近国小社会科课文理解度之研究;国教学报第三期抽印本.
- Any reading difficulties, if present, can often be identified in Kindergarten or soon there after and can be prevented or substantially alleviated. 如果孩子表现出任何阅读困难,在幼儿园阶段或稍后很快的时间里就能被发现,因而可以被纠正或减轻。
- The vivified teaching of Chinese reading for senior students is based on structural theory. 建构主义认为学生总是与一定的社会文化背景相联系的。
- In Chinese reading,the parameters of eye movement include viewing position,saccade,regression,fixation duration,etc. 中文阅读眼动特征的评估参数主要包括注视点停留位置、眼跳、回视和注视时间等。
- Reading tactics is manifestation of studying tactics applying into Chinese reading. 阅读策略是学习策略在语文阅读中的表现形式。
- Phonemic awareness helps students with disabilities, students with reading difficulties, very young students(preschoolers), kindergarteners, 1st graders, students from a range of socioeconomic groups. 音素意识有助于残障学生、阅读障碍学生、学龄前儿童、幼儿园儿童、小学一年级生,亦即来自许多社经群(职业家庭群)的学生。
- Vivified teaching of Chinese reading for Senior students is aimed at checking its effect through a period of experiments. 实验的重点是构建生活化的师生关系,实现课堂阅读教学生活化和课外阅读延伸的生活化。
- After-class reading is very important in Chinese reading in the high school, which is the beneficial extension and complement of classroom teaching . 课外阅读是中学语文教学中一个很重要的组成部分,是课堂教学的有益延伸和补充。
- This paper examines effects of semantic transparency on vocabulary learning through Chinese reading via two experiments. 本文通过两个实验讨论语义透明度对汉语阅读中词汇学习的影响。
- Objective To investigate changes of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and its association with Chinese reading skill diagnostic test (CRSDT) in childhood reading disorder (RD). 目的探讨儿童汉语阅读障碍(RD)的脑血流改变与阅读技能诊断测试(CRSDT)评分的关系。
- And although reading difficulty has been studied for over 100 years, scientists have never determined a specific cause. 虽然,阅读困难已经被研究了超过100年,科学家们从没有一个确切的导致原因。
- In order to give retrospection about psychological study on Chinese reading therapy, present study used bibliometrical method to analyze the literature from1989 to2004 in this field on VIP Information. 本文利用维普科技期刊全文数据库以关键词“阅读疗法”和“图书疗法”为检索入口,借助文献计量学的方法对1989~004年之间符合检索标准的文献进行统计与分析,借以了解我国在此研究领域的现状以及发展特点。
- In order to give retrospection about psychological study on Chinese reading therapy, present study used bibliometrical method to analyze the literature from 1989 to 2004 in this field on VIP Information. 本文利用维普科技期刊全文数据库以关键词“阅读疗法”和“图书疗法”为检索入口,借助文献计量学的方法对1989~2004年之间符合检索标准的文献进行统计与分析,借以了解我国在此研究领域的现状以及发展特点。
- This article give a summarization and analysis of the article reading and Chinese reading on the objection and function.And gives a tactical thinking on how to give up the rending misunderstanding. 摘要从文章阅读和语文阅读的目的和功能要素的差异性出发,对文章阅读和语文阅读问题进行了概述,对两种阅读能力进行了剖析,对如何正本清源,走出阅读教学的误区进行了策略的思考。
- In the teaching of primary school Chinese reading the teacher holds the blanks in the teaching material and through artistic excavating,lets the students explore,discover and supplement. 小学语文阅读教学中教师抓住教材的"空白",再通过富有艺术的发掘,让学生去探索、发现、补充,能创造性地建构文本的意义,使教学充满魅力。
- In regard to Chinese reading teaching in middle school ,there are no effective classroom teaching strategies and methods that can guide students to carry on multi-dimensional untangling currently. 就中学阅读教学而言,目前尚未形成一套有效指导学生进行多元解读的课堂教学策略与方法。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。