- The ancient Chinese practiced Kungfu to defend themselves. 古代中国人练武是为了防身。
- This paper reviews the research advance on the effects of mariculture on coastal environment, and discusses the ways of reducing the discharge of pollutants from mariculture with Chinese practices. 综述国际上海水养殖对沿岸环境影响的研究进展,并结合中国实际探讨减少养殖污染和海水养殖业可持续发展的途径。
- Our principle is that we should integrate Marxism with Chinese practice and blaze a path of our own. That is what we call building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 我们的原则是把马克思主义同中国的实践相结合,走中国自己的道路,我们叫建设有中国特色的社会主义。
- We call it qigong. Chinese practice the qigong or breathing exercise individually or in groups. 中国气功可以单独练,也可以集体练。
- Our principle is that we should integrate Marxism with Chinese practice and blaze a path of our own. 我们的原则是把马克思主义同中国的实践相结合,走中国自己的道路
- The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp divergence from the traditional Chinese practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs. 老人疗养院的迅速出现体现了与中国传统的不惜一切代价维持核心家庭的做法的显著分歧。
- Wintop rabbit cage., Made in compliance with European standard and chinese practice, is the example for a large scale breeding. 融合欧洲养兔技术,结合国内实际设计、制造、安装的兔笼是大规模集中养兔的典范。
- As Manchu women rejected the traditional Chinese practice of footbinding, their feet appeared large in the eyes of their Chinese subjects. 满族的女人拒绝中国传统的裹脚,她们的脚在她们的国民心目中是巨大的。
- For centuries, Chinese practiced arranged marriages, complete with dowries, leaving little place for Western-style notions of romance. 据佐氏本人所言,在他前来达沃斯之前与温家宝总理的会谈当中,温总理针对其“负责任的利益相关者”的发言,曾有十点回应。
- The reason of the lost of the practicalness of Chinese teaching is the lack of basci theory and characteristic of Chinese practicalness. 从心智技能形成过程特点以及对教学的要求来看,“题海战术”背离了真正的语文实践活动。
- The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp divergence from the traditional Chinese practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs . 老人疗养院的迅速出现体现了与中国传统的不惜一切代价维持核心家庭的做法的显著分歧。
- I am young, but I believe my own life has so brimmed over with stories of failure and success that I am in a position to question the wisdom of Chinese practicality. 我很年轻,但我相信我的生活中充满了失败和成功的故事,因此我不得不对中国人的实用思想产生疑问。作为一名在多伦多长大的中国移民,我曾生活在贫困之中,也曾为掌握英文费尽心机。
- However, the requirement of theory about chinese practice forces us to return to Marx again, to persist and develop dialectica materialism, which is the core of Marist philosophy. 中国现实实践的对理论的需要却促使我们必须重新回到马克思,去坚持和发展唯物辩证法这个马克思主义哲学的核心。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Today, the most fundamental purpose to study the sinicization of Marxism is to realize Marxism of Chinese practice and ensure China can develop in the socialism direction. 今天,研讨马克思主义中国化最根本的目的就是要实现中国实际马克思主义化,确保中国朝着社会主义方向发展。离开这个根本目的来研讨马克思主义中国化,就没有实际意义了。
- Looking from our Party's history, during Chinese revolution, construction, opening and reform, our Part combined Marxism with Chinese practicality, and gave birth to two leaps. 从党的历史看,我们党在中国革命、建设和改革开放的过程中,把马克思主义与中国实际相结合,产生了两次飞跃。
- Marxism of combining with Chinese practice is spirit power that overcomes scattering and conservative habit of the public of small agricultural economy. 与中国实际结合的马克思主义是克服小农经济的分散性和人们心理的保守性的精神力量。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- That's because the restaurant was redesigned using the principles of feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging objectsnumbers to promote health, harmonyprosperity. 这是这家麦当劳餐厅重新设计时采用了中国古代的“风水”理念。中国古代根据“风水”来安排物件摆放和数量,旨在给人们带来健康、和谐和兴旺。
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。