- Chinese nationals in England 在英国的中国侨民
- Chinese nationals in America enthusiastically supported the Chinese Revolution. 旅美华人热烈支持辛亥革命。
- He assured his Chinese host that Pakistan would take further measures to guarantee the safety of Chinese nationals in the country. 他向中国保证,巴基斯坦会采取进一步的措施以保证中国公民在巴境内的安全。
- The three works mentioned above are included in the Dance Classics of the Chinese Nation in the 20th Century. 以上3部作品都被确认为"20世纪经典"。
- It was listed as one of the Dance Classics of the Chinese Nation in the 20th Century. 它被确认为"20世纪经典"。
- An important topic for discussing at our gatherings was the prosperity of the Chinese nation in the 21st century. 大家走到一起,谈论的一个重要话题就是中华民族在21世纪的强盛。
- Their differences are rooted in prematurity of Chinese nation in the thought compared to the west. 庄子丑学与西方现代派丑学差异的根源在于中华民族在思想上相对于西方的“早熟”。
- In England traffic must keep to the left. 在英国,车辆必须靠左行驶。
- He has applied for a post in England. 他已申请在英国任职。
- Chinese nationals in America celebrated President Clinton's successful visit to China.US Jiangsu and Zhejiang Commericial Chamber made a badge in memory. 旅美华人祝贺克林顿总统访华成功,美国江浙工商总会制作徽章纪念。
- Smith is a very common last name in England. 在英国史密斯是很常见的姓。
- She was educated in England in the 1930s. 她三十年代在英国受教育。
- The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy once called the Chinese nation the oldest and largest nation, and, the most peace-loving nation in the world. 正如俄罗斯伟大的文学家托尔斯泰所说,中华民族是最古老的民族,最伟大的民族,世界上最酷爱和平的民族。
- The Saxon once settled in England in early times. 撒克逊人早期曾定居英格兰。
- Anglicanism is the established religion in England. 英国圣公会是英国国教。
- Both peservation and creation in their efforts are prolongation in nature , i.e. the prolngation of the extant mental vitalities of the Chinese nation in the aesthetic realm. 保存和创造都是延续,延续著中华民族在审美领域未被堙没的精神活力。
- Hurricanes are uncommon in England. 飓风在英国非常罕见。
- In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring. 在英国杜鹃鸟是报春的使者。
- The marginalization of Hangzhou in the contemporary literature has the inner relations to the history of the Chinese nation in 20thcentury, the emotion and time consciousness. 现代文学中的杭城现象的边缘化与20世纪中华民族的历史记忆、情感基调和时代意识有着内在联系。
- I bought this coffeepot in England. 我在英格兰买了这个咖啡壶。