- Chinese modern dance history 中国现代舞蹈史
- Today, he's almost synonymous with Chinese modern dance. 时值今日,林怀民三个字几乎成为中国现代舞的同义字。
- And Cao Chengyuan from the Hongkong Contemporary Dance Troupe have played a great role in promoting Chinese modern dance. 特别是香港城市当代舞蹈团的曹承渊对推广现代舞也发挥了重要作用。
- However, the dance works that were previously mentioned in this book and were characterized by their realism and the ways they reflected social and historical affairs are excluded from the category of Chinese modern dance. 但是,前面曾提到过的那些从生活中提炼舞蹈语言,反映民众关切的社会、历史事件,具有鲜明的现实主义的品格的作品,我们之所以未纳入"现代舞"范畴来介绍,
- as well as Wu Xiaobang's motto "to dance to the rhythm of the times"should be considered treasures of the Chinese Modern Dance. 和吴晓邦"和着时代的脉搏跳舞"的至理名言应视为"中国现代舞"的珍贵精神财富。
- Can you mind someone who relates to modern dance? 你能不能找到一位通晓现代舞的人?
- She is really into modern dance. 她对现代舞真是喜欢极了。
- The Status and Influence of Wu Li in the History of Chinese Modern Painting. 吴历在中国近代绘画史上的地位与影响。
- He integrated modern dance with acrobatics. 他整合了现代舞蹈和杂耍。
- "Three years of modern dance with Twyla Tharp"? |追随妥拉萨普 学习三年现代舞?
- The Han Dynasty brought great development to Jiyue, which secured the Han Dynasty's position as a major peak in the Chinese dance history. 汉代是伎乐大发展的时期。汉代作为我国舞蹈史上的一大高峰,主要就表现在伎乐的繁荣上。
- Modern dance was developed initially in America. 现代舞发源于美国。
- The Individual Writing or Chinese Modern or Contemporary Literary History Since Oct. 建国以来中国现当代文学史的个人写作。
- Beijing is also preparing to establish a modern dance troupe. 当前北京也正在组建现代舞团。
- Epilogue: Briefly review the destiny of the maniac images in the history of Chinese modern literature. 余论:简要回顾癫狂意象在中国现代文学史中的境遇。
- Obviously, that is not modern dance in a strict sense. 显然,这并非严格意义的现代舞。
- Mike: No, my family's not at a modern dance recital. 迈克:我家里人并不是去参加现代舞表演。
- The Bourbon group is the most conservative of the conventional scholar-bureaucrat group in Chinese Modern History. 顽固派作为近代前期最为保守的传统士大夫集团,眷恋往古,固守正统观念,反对社会变革和对传统文化的触动。
- Modern Dance creations, courses and performances in China. 在中国的现代舞表演,创作和演出。
- Liu Dabai is a famous poet and a nameable scholar in the history of Chinese modern literature. 刘大白是我国现代文学史上著名的诗人和学者。