- Chinese medical communication 中医传播
- Chinese medical herbs are good for many illness. 中草药能治好些病。
- The Chinese medical massage hospital are doing good business. 北京中医按摩院里顾客盈门。
- Recently he enrolled in the Chinese Medical Association. 他最近加入了中华医学会。
- Cupping is an ancient Chinese medical technique that is still used today. 拔火罐是古代中国医疗技术,至今仍沿用。
- Conclusion:it should strengthen depressive disorder theory study and establish rationale to treat depressive disorder with Chinese medic... 结论:应进一步加强抑郁症的理论研究,从而为中西药治疗抑郁症奠定理论基础。
- Furthermore,the practice system and cultural authority of West Medicine were gradually admired and imitated in the community of Chinese medic... 进而,西医执业制度和文化权威逐渐为中医界所欣羡和模仿。
- My wife and I will be looking forward to seeing you when you come with the Chinese medical delegation. 我和我的妻子盼望着您随着中国医疗代表团来时和您见面。
- The study results prompted strong reactions throughout the medical community. 这项研究结果很快就在医学界引起了强烈反响。
- I take pleasure in recommending to you Mrs. Chen Ping,instructor of physics in Tianjin Chinese Medical College. 我高兴地向您推荐天津中医学院物理学讲师陈平夫人。
- This paper presents an analysis of his theories in medical teleology, medical ethics, medical therapeutics, medical prevention and medical communication, thus displaying his overall medical thought. 主要分析了他的医学目的论、学道德观、学治疗观、学预防思想以及医学交流观,从而全面展示了他的医学思想。
- The influx of western medicine enriched Chinese medical science after the Opium War. 鸦片战争之后,西方医学的涌入丰富了中国医学。
- After the earthquake, the Chinese medical team in Morocco immediately took part in the relief work at the moment. 地震发生后,中国在当地的援摩医疗队在第一时间参与了救援工作。
- It is the cream of traditional Chinese medical treatment to make one energetic and feel at ease. 安心益气,中药调理的精髓。
- I'm very well now. Traditional chinese medical science is very miraculous. Thank you very much. 我现在全好了,中医真是太神奇了,谢谢你们。
- This area is rich in such produce as tea, silkworm cocoon, walnut, Chinese chestnut and Chinese medical herbs. 茶叶、蚕茧、核桃、板栗、中药材等土特产甚多。
- The effect of the Chinese medical herB Dahuang is to clear away heat and keep your Bowels loose. 中草药大黄的功效是清热通便。
- Increased awareness of APAP-related ALF in the medical community may limit future cases. 提高对APAP相关的ALF的警觉也许对限制病例有帮助。
- Directive without exam of free skill of division of online traditional Chinese medical science. 没有免费的在线中医师技能考试指导。
- Within the neuroscience and medical communities, however, this idea and its potential clinical uses are new. 不过,在神经科学与医学社群中,这个点子以及它的临床应用潜力,却挺新鲜的。