- Chinese logistics corporations 中国物流企业
- Abstract: Accurate market positioning is the precondition for logistics corporations to gain an edge in the new round competition. 摘要:市场的准确定位是物流企业在新一轮竞争脱颖而出的决定条件。
- For a long time, FedEx and UPS had been arch-rivals in China competing against each other for more market share in the Chinese logistics market (Refer Exhibit C9-1). 一直以来,联邦快递和联合包裹为中国物流市场的份额争夺的不可开交(参看图表C9-1)。
- By means of SWOT analysis, logistics corporations can make market positioning strategies on merchandise categories, position in supply chains, clients, logistics functions, service scopes and so on. 物流企业可以通过swot分析,从经营的商品种类、应链中地位、户对象、流功能、务范围等方面进行市场定位策略选择。
- Enterprise SML (Self-Manage Logistics), which is 82% in sum value of Chinese logistics, is being treated coldly.In fact, Chinese industrialization process needs time. 现实的来看,我国工业化过程还需假以时日,完善的社会化分工体系远远没有形成,在目前我国经济发展状况下,企业自营物流应该有很大发展空间。
- The dissertation tries to build asystematically analyzing and eclectically appraising model for thetraditional Chinese logistics enterprises to turn to modernization. 论文作者试图为中国传统的物流企业向现代化转变构建一个系统分析及综合评价的模型,以有利于中国物流企业向现代化转变。
- Based on analyzing the motive and the com-petition situation of multinational corporations, the paper describes in theory the strategy of China logistics corporations in multination competition. 从分析国际企业进入中国物流市场的动机及竞争态势出发,对跨国竞争条件下我国物流企业的战略应对,进行了理论上的阐述。
- As the most active and developmentally potential behavior subjects in the logistics market , Third Party Logistics Corporations greatly promote the development of logistics industry. 第三方物流企业作为最具活力和发展潜力的物流市场行为主体,它的出现为物流业的发展产生了巨大的推动作用。
- How does a foreign capital logistics corporation develop business in China? 外资物流企业如何在中国开展业务?
- The Specialized Committee for Logistics Equipment of CFLP( China Federation of Logistics& Purchasing), which is initiated by some renowned Chinese logistics enterprises, is a sub-branch of CFLP. 中国物流与采购联合会物流装备专业委员会是由国内著名物流企业发起成立,直属于中国物流与采购联合会的社团分支机构,具备相对独立开展社团工作的资格。
- As the introduction of modern logistics concept, Chinese logistics companies(CLC) have experienced rapid growth, and in the meantime they also confront a lot ofchallenge in management. 随着现代物流理念的引入,我国物流企业在经历快速发展的同时,在管理上也面临着诸多挑战。
- Quantitative Performance Analysis on Chinese Listed Port Logistics Corporations 我国港口物流产业上市公司的绩效定量分析
- third party logistics corporations 第三方物流公司
- Avanti Logistics Corporation Xinjiang rapid growth, high-quality service, strict management, unique for the logistics market. 新疆阿凡提物流总公司快速的发展,优质的服务,严格的管理,为物流市场独树一 帜。
- As a case in point, the paper shows the designing and implementation of web-based data warehouse according to the needs of Dalian Port Logistics Corporation. 最后结合大连口岸物流公司的实际需求,给出了基于Web的集疏运数据仓库系统的具体设计与数据仓库的实现。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- Finally, the paper puts forward the developping countermeasure form comprehensive logistics network, logistics information flat, logistics corporation innovation and logistics laws etc. 最后,从综合物流网络、物流信息通道、物流企业再造以及物流法规等方面提出发展对策。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- Administration scheme and management pattern of eclectic logistics corporations 综合物流企业管理思路与运作方案
- Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐常有米饭或面条。