- Chinese legal family 中华法系
- WTO and Reforms of Chinese Legal System II. 与中国法律改革2。
- Non-litigating is the primary value of traditional Chinese legal culture. 摘要无讼是中国传统法律文化的主导的价值取向。
- In Chinese legal texts, "proviso" use "但是" and "但" as linking words. 在中文法律文本中,“但书”以“但是”、“但”作为转折连词。
- In Chinese legal construction, existing questions show ambipolar polarization. 中国法治建设过程中存在的问题总的来说表现为两个二极分化。
- Chinese traditional legal family 中华法系
- Legal Practice and Cultural Praxis: Cross-cultural Comparisons of Western and Chinese Legal Traditions through Minority Policies. 法律实践与文化习俗:通过少数群体政策对比中西方法律传统。
- The right of third part is protected firmly in a co nt ract to be performed to third part ,whether in continental law system or common law legal family . 无论是大陆法系还是英美法系,利他合同中第三人权利都得到了较好的保护。
- In recent years, the Chinese legal and government community has paid close attention to labour dispute mechanisms. 近年来,中国法律界及中国政府对劳工纠纷解决机制越来越关注。
- On Chinese Legal Defects in Directors'and officers' Liability Insurance and Approaches to Improvement. 论中国董事及高级管理者责任保险制度的缺陷及其完善途径。
- Countervailing litigation has been common practice in two legal families. 抵销诉讼是两大法系国家的制度化选择。
- Part Four is devoted to appropriate information arrangement in translating a Chinese legal document into English. 第四部分重点研究在中文法律文件英译的过程中如何合理地安排信息。
- Achieving something with the help of guanxi is possible only because Chinese legal system is not strong enough. 中国法制系统不够完善是使通过关系办事成为可能的唯一原因。
- Compared with the jury system in English-American legal family,the jury system in countries of continental legal family is characterized with that the juror can participate hearings a... 大陆法系国家陪审制度与英美法系的陪审团制相比,具有自己的特征:陪审员以个人身份参加案件的审理,陪审员与职业法官具有同等的职权,陪审员在诉讼过程中只参加法庭审理等。
- The duress to be charged as a necessity is beyond the question in the theory of the continental law legal family while every nation's legal system has its own characteristics to the necessity. 大陆法系国家有关紧急避险法律制度中,胁迫一直是一个被关注的问题,虽然不同国家对紧急避险的法律性质有不同的理解与认识,但都不否认胁迫下的行为可能构成紧急避险。
- The fourth chapter studies the influence of ISDA agreements to Chinese legal system relevant to derivatives. 第四章研究了ISDA协议对中国金融衍生交易相关法律制度的影响。
- The jury system in countries of continental legal family originated in Britain,but it is endowed with distinguishing features by different countries according to such factors as present conditions. 大陆法系国家的陪审制度源于英国,但由于现实国情等因素,大陆法系国家又将移植于英国的陪审制度赋予了自己的特色。
- The frequent use of theme-rheme structure forms one prominent stylistic feature of Chinese legal texts. 摘要“话题-述题”结构的频繁使用构成汉语法律条文的一个明显的文体特征。
- Rosenzweig said Dui Hua believes the document is authentic based on comparisons with other Chinese legal papers the foundation has seen. 证交所说,堆华认为,这份文件是真实的基础上进行比较与中国其他法律文件基金会拭目以待。