- Chinese historical selections 高师文选课
- Bibliography of Materials concerning Chinese Historical Geography. 描述:中国历史地理材料参考书目。
- The parrots of China were recorded very early in many Chinese historical books. 中国鹦鹉见于文献的记载很早,历史时期它的分布有很大的变化。
- In addition to Chinese historical geography, Hibino has also written extensively on Chinese calligraphy and painting. 除了中国历史地理学,日比野对中国的书法、绘画也有不少著作。
- They also taught values that were incorporated in the fables, tales, stories, science, and historical selections on the American Revolution and on the lives of the founding fathers-- George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others. 老读本也灌输价值观念;这些观念都融入到寓言、故事、小说、科学小品和关于美国革命以及美国的开国元勋如乔治·华盛顿、本杰明·富兰克林和托马斯·杰斐逊等人生活的历史材料中去了。
- The defense policy of New China has carried forward and developed such excellent Chinese historical and cultural traditions. 新中国的国防政策,继承和发扬了中国优良的历史文化传统。
- Chinese ancient novels are numerous, the features of Chinese Historical Recorders' BooKs Lists are disordered and confounded. 摘要中国古代小说数量众多,历代史志小说家面貌庞杂而混乱。
- Ohala and Hung-nin Samuel Cheung, Professor Chen specializes in Chinese historical linguistics, dialectology, and the experimental phonetics. 在历史语言学领域里他是最早提出历史层次法研究的的学者之一。
- Individual ideal,namely life ontological ideal,grows extremely valuable in Chinese historical and cultural tradition concerning Chinese moral ontology. 个体中心意识也即生命本位意识,在中国道德本位的历史文化传统中,显得弥足珍贵。
- It is said that such legendary horses in Chinese historical literature as Red Hare and Sweating Blood were all born in this place. Hence the name Dragon Seed Isle. 据说,古书上的“赤兔”、“汗血”等名马,均出于此,“龙驹岛”也因此得名。
- His great pioneering contribution to modern Chinese historical geography and his passionate patriotism make him a model researcher of the academic community. 他对我国现代历史地理学的兴起有开创之功,贡献巨大,其炽热的爱国情感、开阔的学术视野,堪称学术界的楷模。
- Department of Earthquake Disaster Prevention,SSB.1995.Catalogue of Chinese Historical Strong Earthquake (from 2300BC to 1911AD)[Z].Seismological Press,Beijing(in Chinese). 国家地震局震害防御司编.;1995
- The article discusses about the background of Chinese historical bibliography study, summarizesthe main achievements in the last 20 years, and gives brief comments. 文章讨论了中国历史文献学形成的背景,总结近20年来中国历史文献学的主要成就,并做了简要的评论。
- Huihe in Chinese historical records of the first call for Yuan Heliopolis [1] (also for Wei Heliopolis) and the Ukrainian security [2] (also for Ukraine Heliopolis). 回纥在汉文史籍中的最早称呼为袁纥[1](亦作韦纥)和乌护[2](亦作乌纥)。
- Mizoguchi Yuzo insists on seeing Chinese problems in the light of Chinese historical development.This, however, may not apply well to the problem of the Revolution of 1911. 沟口雄三强调从中国脉络看问题,这在解释辛亥革命时却遇到相当的困境。
- On Dec. 3rd, Peking University celebrated the 95th anniversary of birthday for Professor Hou Hengzhi, the founder of modern Chinese historical geography. 12月3日,北大为侯仁之先生举行了九十五华诞暨从教七十周年的庆祝活动。侯先生是中国现代历史地理学的开创者之一,国际知名的历史地理学家。
- This is partly attributable to the popularity of Chinese historical novels and television dramas, which often employ language from the classical periods. 这是部分原因是流行的中文历史小说和电视连续剧,往往采用的语言从古典时期。
- For Chinese Singaporeans,we have a wonderful heritage in Chinese literature. Chinese civilisation is strong and Chinese culture is tenacious precisely because of the Chinese historical memory. 新加坡华人继承了优秀的中国文学遗产,中华文明的强盛和中国文化的坚韧来自完整的历史记忆。
- Professor Daniel Kwok of the Hawaii University delivered the Tan Kah Kee Lecture in Singapore recently on "China: Theone and the many,an end-of-century view of unification and division in the Chinese historical experience". 美国夏威夷大学教授郭颖颐最近在我国发表陈嘉庚演讲:《一个中国、多个中国:从世纪末角度看中国在历史上的分与合》。
- A much extended concept in anthropological study, "totem" to Chinese culture is a square peg to a round hole. Conversely, an interpretation of Chinese mythology can only be sought by a synthesization of various elements in Chinese historical culture. “图腾”在人类学上本来就是一个泛化的概念 ,用它解释中国文化更是方凿圆枘 ,中国神话理应从中国历史文化因素的综合中求得解释。