- Jeff: How do you look at the Chinese football? 杰夫: 你是怎么看中国的足球的?
- Pola Hu that Chinese football has lost underwear. 中国足球这个破落户,已经输掉了内裤。
- How do you like Chinese football? 您对中国的足球怎么看?
- The Chinese football team outscored its opponent by two balls. 中国足球队得分超过对方两个球。
- Jeff,Annie and Wang Ping are discussing about the Chinese football. 杰夫、安妮和王平讨论中国足球。
- Bill: Norman, did the Chinese football team win this game? 诺曼,中国足球队赢了吗?
- THe backwardness of the Chinese football must be changed. 中国足球的落后状态必须改变。
- The success of Chinese football team interested me in football. 中国足球队的成功使我对足球产生了兴趣。
- It seems that you Chinese football fans only pay attention to man's football. 你们中国球迷好像只注意男足了。
- Today, there thousands of women players in the Chinese Football Association. 今天,在中国足协中有许多女球员。
- Yes. You may find the logo of the Chinese Football Association on each of them. 有的,我们每件行李上都贴有中国足球协会的会标。
- Sir (Miss), we are the Chinese Football Team. We now want to register. 先生(女士);我们是中国足球队;现在来办理参赛手续.
- In this match, the Chinese football team performed better than normal. 在今天的比赛中,中国足球队超水平发挥了。
- The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name "clangorous rose". 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为“铿锵玫瑰”!
- All the same,the football fans say with tears in their eyes: we love Chinese football. 但是,球迷们仍然含着眼泪说: 我们热爱中国足球。
- The Chinese football was brave in fighting and dashing. People enjoyed the matches even more than before. 中国足球敢打敢冲,比以往好看多了。
- Jeff: The Chinese football has already ascended into the strong power list of the world then? 杰夫: 那中国的足球不是早就跻身于世界强队行列了吗?
- The Chinese football team beat the Japanese team, and is qualified to play in the half-finals. 中国足球队击败了日本队,从而取得了参加半决赛的资格。
- The reason why the Chinese football team lost the match was that they were lack of skills and strength. 中国足球队输掉比赛的原因是他们缺乏技术和实力。
- Despite disappointment I watch the Chinese football term's matches every time. I really hoped to see a great surprise. 哈,我可是年年失望年年盼,真希望爆出个大冷门!