- Nice Stories of Chinese Famous Tea 中华名茶的美丽故事
- Chinese famous tea 中国名茶
- We have a great variety of famous tea here. 我们这里供应多种名茶。
- The Horniman family were famous tea merchants. 霍尼曼家族是有名的茶叶商。
- Xinyang maojian tea is one of the Chinese traditional famous teas. 信阳毛尖茶是中国传统名茶之一,品质优异。
- My landlord was one of the most famous tea merchants in China. 我的房东是中国最有名的茶商之一。
- The Duan inkstone is head of the Chinese famous inkstone. 端砚为中国名砚之首。
- Also,be apprised by Quality Ensure Center as Chinese Famous Brand. 同时,经质量保障中心审核评为:中国著名品牌。
- Jasmine Tea is a famous tea made from Green or Pouchong (Chinese Green) tea leaves that are scented with jasmine flowers. The jasmine flowers are harv... 福建茉莉花茶,系选用优质烘青绿茶,用茉莉花熏制而成。主产于福建省福州市及闽东北地区。其品质规格分为特种花茶、特级和一至六...
- I would recommend to you the most famous tea in Yixing-Mingding tea. 我向您们推荐宜兴最有名的茗鼎茶,您看好吗。
- For this,Chinese famous writer Qian Zhongshu had an excellent comment. 对此,中国著名作家钱钟书先生有一个绝妙的评语。
- Invitation Exhibition of Fine Works by Chinese Famous Female Calligraphers. 中国著名女书家作品邀请展。
- Zisha teapot of Yixing, is a wonderful work of the traditional Chinese arts with a long history.Until today, the models of some famous tea pots still accord with the modern aesthetics. 摘要宜兴紫砂茶壶是中国传统艺术的一枝奇葩,具有悠久的历史,一些传世名壶的造型至今仍然符合现代人的审美,对现代产品的造型设计很有启示和借鉴意义。
- Processing of green lea and special tea with China's traditional crafts (famous tea, dark tea, etc. 我国传统工艺的绿茶及特种茶加工(名茶、黑茶等)
- Yes, Jasmine Tea, Wuling Tea, and Black Tea are three most famous tea varieties in Beijing. 是的,茉莉花茶、乌龙茶及红茶是北京最有名的三种茶。
- Yantai Penglaige Winery Co.,Ltd.was founded by Chinese famous enologist Peng Dehua in1985. 公司始建于1985年,首任厂长是国内著名的葡萄酒专家彭德华先生。
- A: Yes,Jasmine Tea,Wuling Tea,and Black Tea are three most famous tea varieties in Beijing. 是的,茉莉花茶、乌龙茶及红茶是北京最有名的三种茶。
- Tianjin JINDAI Chemical Plant was initiated by Chinese famous industrialist Mr.Wang Guangying and others in 1943. 天津市近代化学厂是我国著名实业家王光英先生等人于1943年创办的。
- Xinyangmaojian tea in the "Expo" has won the gold medal, was awarded "China Top Ten Famous Tea. 信阳毛尖茶叶曾在“万国博览会”上获得过金奖,还被评为“中国十大名茶。
- The refine paraffine and high grade white oil (Chinese famous product) is A grade exporting product. 为了方便冀、晋、鲁、豫小批量用户,在石家庄设有石化库。