- It's a better way toprobe the differences between Chinese economic law and west economic law for rectifying transplant of west economic law without certain goal. 厘清中西方经济法存在的差异,对纠正经济法学界以个性代替共性和立法界盲目移植等不良倾向,是一副很好的清醒剂。
- Chinese Economic Law on Foreign Business 中国涉外经济法
- chinese economic law jurisprudence 经济法学
- jurisprudence of Chinese economic law 中国经济法学
- A Discussion of the Evolution and Developmental Trend of Chinese Economic Law During the Transformational Period 论转型时期中国经济法的演进与发展趋势
- As For The System Of WTO The Investigative Outline In Developments In System In Chinese Economic Law That Descend 论WTO体制下的我国经济法律体系建设
- Civil Law, Commercial and Economic Law Volume. 中国法学文丛.;刑事法卷
- Chinese economic law 中国经济法
- History of Chinese Economic Law 中国 经济法律史
- World Factory: Necessity or Goal of Chinese Economic Development? 世界工厂是中国经济发展的必然而不是目标?
- New Advances in Research on Modern Chinese Economic History. 中国现代经济史研究的新进展。
- Well, then the Chinese economic miracle could fizzle. 那么,中国的经济奇迹届时将不复存在。
- The ultimate value of economic law reflects as benefit. 经济法的终极价值体现为效益。
- Can the West coexist in harmony with a Chinese economic colossus? 西方能否与这样一个中国经济巨人和谐相处?
- Public benefit is the basic standard of value of economic law. 社会整体利益至上是经济法的基本价值取向。
- Economic laws of scientific research II. 科学研究的经济定律2。
- Durative double surplus has taken some problem to Chinese economic runing. 应从以下方面作出政策调整:转变外贸政策;
- We have tried to act in accordance with objective economic laws. 我们努力按照客观经济规律办事。
- Chinese economic and trade exhibitions have promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries. 中国经济贸易展览会促进了与外国先进技术的交流。
- We have to proceed in accordance with the law of value and other economic laws. 我们要按价值规律办事,按经济规律办事。