- Chinese earlier modernization 中国早期现代化
- Moulding of "Saints" and Cultivation of "Freshers": Prosopographic Ideas in Chinese Early Modern Cultural Transition 塑"圣贤"与养"新人":中国近代文化转型中的人学思想
- It was Chinese earliest buddhist temple. 它是中国最早的一座寺院。
- Conference for Maritime Trade in Early Modern Asia. 会议名称:近代初期东南亚的海上贸易
- They have played an important role in the modernization of Chinese early newspapering. 中国早期报业近代化的每一步履,都留下了他们辛勤耕耘的足迹。
- White Horse Temple was Chinese earliest buddhist temple. 白马寺是中国最早的一座寺院。
- What he did is significant if seen agai nst the background of early modern Chinese political thought. 这在近代政治思想史上是颇具特色的。
- The Chinese earliest etiquette was produced in the diet activity. 中国最早的礼仪是在饮食活动中产生的。
- The Chinese earliest currency may trace to several millenniums before. 中国最早的货币可以追溯到几千年前。
- Chen Du-xiu was the Marxist in the Chinese earlier period, outlined Marxist sociology systematically in the process of publicizing the Marxism, which built up foundation of Chinese Marxist sociology. 摘要陈独秀是中国早期的马克思主义者,在宣传马克思主义的过程中比较系统地阐述了马克思主义的社会学思想,为建立中国马克思主义社会学奠定了理论基础。
- Thus, the Chinese language teaching in Japan in the early modern times was mainly used as a tool of its foreign expansionism and closely related to the political situation of the Far-East. 近代日本的中国语教育主要是作为日本对外侵略扩张的工具,同远东政治格局紧密相连。
- Imagine a graph of world energy use from prehistoric times to the present. It would go up showly from the Stone Age to early modern times. 我们来设想一幅从史前时期直到现在世界能源利用的曲线图,从石器时代到近代,这条曲线是缓缓上升的。
- From the viewpoint of the consequences of the development of the cities along coastwise of Xiangjiang River,the speed of early modernization was very slowly. 从城市发展的结果看,早期现代化进程缓慢。
- Chinese earliest proto-porcelain was excavated at the Maqiao site of Shanghai in Xia-Shang period. 上海马桥夏商遗址出土我国最早的原始瓷,不仅有原始青釉瓷,还有原始黑釉瓷。
- In the late medieval period and early modern period, among others, it served as a weapon to curb Kings' levying taxes. 尤其在中世纪晚期和近代早期,它是议会约束国王征税的重要依据。
- The idea of chastity in Chinese early society casts women" s moral personality, and exalts their moral realm. 因此可以说,中国早期的贞节观念铸就了女性的道德人格,提升了女性的道德境界。
- Modern readers usually have difficulty with the language and thought of mediaeval and early modern English literature. 在阅读中世纪和早期现代英国文学时,现在的读者通常会比较难以理解其中的语言和思想。
- the Chinese earlier Chin philosophy 中国楚文化
- Julia Adams, The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2005). 赵鼎新著,夏江旗译,《东周战争与儒法国家的诞生》(上海:华东师范大学出版社/上海三联书店,2006)。
- Evangelization and pursuing wealth are two primary driving factors for European overseas expansion in the early modern era. 宗教因素和和追求财富为近代欧洲海外扩张的驱动力。