- Promulgation of New Chinese Distilled Liquor Standard 中国蒸馏白酒新标准的颁布实施
- Chinese distilled liquor 中国蒸馏白酒
- Kaoliang is a strong distilled liquor made from sorghum. 高梁酒是以高梁酿制的高纯度蒸馏酒。
- The callback of distilled liquor from deposed diatomite was discussed as well. 阐述了从废硅藻土中回收白酒。
- Vodka:Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash (generally rye or wheat). 伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。
- Vodka: Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash (generally rye or wheat). 伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。
- It is widely used in various bottles such as beer, champers, wines, brandy, Chinese distilled spirit, etc. 广泛适应于啤酒、香槟、葡萄酒、起泡酒、白酒、白兰地酒等。
- Leihua distilled liquor was developed by Hakkas through the inheritance and innovation of traditional Xiaoqu rice-flavor liquor. 磊花烧酒是客家人在继承和发展小曲米香型白酒生产过程中博采众长、自主创新的成果。
- Examples: bread making, vinegar, and distilled liquors. 例如:面包制作,醋和蒸馏酒精液。
- Chinese traditional distilling liquor by solid fermentation including Jian nanchun etc. and other distilling liquor by liquid fermentation were studied by AFM. 摘要采用高分辨率的原子力显微镜(AFM)对剑南春等中国传统固态发酵蒸馏酒、国内外液态发酵蒸馏酒进行系统研究。
- Unveil the origin of Chinese distilled spirit 破解中国白酒起源之谜 江西李渡无形堂元代烧酒作坊遗址
- strong distilled liquor or brandy. 已经过滤的烈性酒精饮料或白兰地。
- Innovation' chinese distilled spirit 中国蒸馏白酒
- n. alcoholic beverage, especially distilled liquor 酒精饮料,尤其是非发酵的烈酒
- Whiskey( or whisky ):Any of several distilled liquors made from a fermented mash of cereal grains. 威士忌任何由各种谷物的糖化醪发酵后制得的蒸馏酒。
- The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China is still an unsettled enigma for experts. 我国古代蒸馏酒的起源,众说纷云,莫衷一是。
- The paper bases on facts and gets a little commitment to spreading Chinese drink culture and exploiting Chinese distillate spirits industry. 论文将以实事求是为基础,争取为弘扬我国的酒文化和开拓繁荣我国的白酒产业奉献微薄之力。
- The correlative data also indicates that the production of distilling liquor started before Yuan Dynasty. 据相关资料表明,在我国元朝以前就有蒸馏酒生产。
- The intoxicating agent in fermented and distilled liquors,used pure or denatured as a solvent or in medicines and colognes and cleaning solutions and rocket fuel. 发酵和蒸馏液体中的麻醉剂,纯状或改变其自然属性后可作溶剂或用于药物、古龙水和清洁剂中。