- A Hong Kong team attended the hearing as part of the Chinese delegation. 香港代表以中国代表团成员身分出席这份报告的听证会。
- Duan Li is a Chinese delegation at the Paralympics the only one servicemen. 李端是本届残奥会中国代表团内唯一一名现役军人。
- The organizers were forced to rectify this after the Chinese delegation made serious protests. 经中国代表团提出严重抗议后,会议组织者不得不改正。
- Hong Kong will attend the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) conferences as part of the Chinese delegation. 日后香港会以中国代表团成员的身分,出席国际海道测量组织的会议。
- It would give me/us great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. 如您能够出席为中国代表团而举行的招待会,我(们)将感到十分荣幸。
- The arrival of the Chinese delegation is really a big evant for the overseas chinese who have been there for a long time. 对久居这里的华侨来说,中国代表团的到来,的确是一件大事。
- The Press Secretary is taking a Chinese delegation round the University this afternoon. 今天下午新闻秘书将带领一个中国代表团参观这所大学。
- I'd like to repeat my gratitude to President Bush for his hospitality to the Chinese delegation. 再次感谢总统先生对我们的热烈欢迎!
- The top leaders of the state met the athletes from the Chinese delegation of the Paralympics. 国家领导人亲切接见了残奥会中国代表团的运动员们。
- Brings what first for the Chinese delegation is pleasantly surprised is the Chinese female rattan ball team. 最先为中国代表团带来惊喜的是中国女子藤球队。
- Even volunteers known as the outstanding performance of the Chinese delegation, "the first 52 gold medals. 甚至,志愿者的杰出表现被称为中国代表团的“第52枚金牌”。
- He is very honored to act as the flag bearer for the Chinese delegation in this sports competition for the disabled. 他非常荣幸地担任了这次残奥会中国代表团的旗手。
- It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. 如您能够出席为中国代表团而举行的招待会,我们将感到十分荣幸。(语气比较正式)
- Ban met with the Chinese delegation to the UN during climate talks currently being held in Poznan, Poland. 他会见在波兰波兹南参加联合国气候会议的中国代表团代表时做了这一评论。
- The number of the gold medals that the Chinese delegation gained have demonstrated that in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. 悉尼奥运会中国的金牌数就是最好的证明。
- The Chinese delegation welcomes you and two Coordinators to continue to preside over this Meeting of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE). 中国代表团欢迎主席和两位协调员先生继续主持本期专家组会。
- Two years ago, Chinese delegation sponsored and tabled for adoption an Olympic Truce resolution at the 62nd Session of the General Assembly. 两年前,中国推动第62届联大通过了关于奥林匹克休战的决议。
- The Chinese delegation associates itself with the statement made by Antigua and Barbuda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China under this agenda item. 中国代表团支持安提瓜和巴布达代表“77国集团加中国”在本议题下所作发言。
- Of them there were 33 athletes, contesting 5 events, namely, track and field, swimming, basketball, football and cycling.However, the Chinese delegation met their Waterloo again. 这一次,中国派出了53人的代表团,其中运动员33人,参加了田径、游泳、篮球、足球和自行车共5个项目的比赛,结果仍然“全军覆没”。
- In the female sand beach rattan ball single unit match competition, the Chinese girls defeat the Thai team, has obtained since for the Chinese delegation starts the first gold. 在女子沙滩藤球单组赛比赛中,中国姑娘战胜泰国队,为中国代表团获得开赛以来的首金。