- Chinese court politics 中国朝政
- Philip Tuoba become overlord, but still involved in court politics. 拓跋弘成为太上皇,但仍参与朝政。
- Han Ying died, the usurper Empress Lu, Lu clan dominated court politics. 汉惠帝刘盈死后,吕后篡权,吕氏宗族把持朝政。
- Ts'ai Lun, a Chinese court official, is credited with the invention of paper. 人们公认是中国的一位宫廷官司员蔡伦发明了纸,
- Han惠帝Liu Ying's death, Empress Lu of usurpation of power, Lu clan dominated court politics. 汉惠帝刘盈死后,吕后篡权,吕氏宗族把持朝政。
- Last November a Chinese court sentenced the founder of the country's largest pornography Web site to life imprisonment. 去年11月中国一法院判处中国最大的色情网站创办人无期徒刑。
- Later, a man named Feng Shu Lu of the country to do with the country, he arbitrarily violent, arrogation of court politics. 后来,一个叫丰舒的做了潞国相国,他专横暴戾,独揽朝政。
- Chinese court used information provided by Yahoo to sentence Shi to 10 years in prison for sharing state secrets. 中国一家法庭使用雅虎提供的资讯判处师涛10年监禁,罪名是洩露国家机密。
- A Chinese court has sided with the Starbucks coffee house chain in its battle with a Shanghai rival over their use of the same Chinese name, a news report said. 新闻报道说,一个中国法庭支持了星巴克咖啡连锁店的诉讼,这家连锁店起诉上海的一个竞争对手使用同样的中文名。
- The Chinese court assumed an aloof and patronizing attitude toward these Westerners, keeping them confined(limited) to the southern port cities of Macao and later, Canton. 中国朝廷对这些西方人采取的是冷漠和施恩的态度,把他们限制在南部的港口城市:澳门以及和后来的广州。
- In the face of the social situation with rapid change, the Chinese court which is praised as " family heirloom " mediates the system and manifests a great deal of drawbacks. 面对日新月异的社会形势,被誉为“传家宝”的中国法院调解制度显露出诸多弊端。
- Any conflicts, disputes or action arising from or coming out of, or in connection of this agreement shall be irrevocably under jurisdiction of Chinese court. 对因本协议或本协议各方的权利和义务而发生的或与之有关的任何事项和争议、诉讼或程序,本协议双方不可撤销地接受中华人民共和国法院的管辖。
- To have admitted this would have courted political disaster. 承认这件事会引起政治失败。
- It meant that,if a national of any country enjoying the privilege of consular jurisdiction in China became a defendant in a lawsuit,civil or criminal,he was not to be tried by a Chinese court but by the consul of his own country. 凡是享有这种特权的国家在中国的侨民,如果成为民刑诉讼的被告时,中国法庭无权裁判,只能由各该国的领事或者法庭裁判。
- In deciding cases the Chinese courts follow the system whereby the court of second instance is the court of last instance. 中国法院审判案件,实行两审终审制。
- It meant that, if a national of any country enjoying the privilege of consular jurisdiction in China became a defendant in a lawsuit, civil or criminal, he was not to be tried by a Chinese court but by the consul of his own country. 凡是享有这种特权的国家在中国的侨民,如果成为民刑诉讼的被告时,中国法庭无权裁判,只能由各该国的领事或者法庭裁判。
- SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A Chinese court sentenced a man to death on Monday for knifing to death six police officers in a case that spurred controversy over police treatment of suspects. 两个月前,28岁的杨佳闯入上海市一座公安局大楼,持刀杀死6名警察,重伤4人。
- Chinese court convicted but did not punish a waitress for stabbing to death an official who demanded sex, state media said, in a case that sparked an Internet outcry about government sleaze. 国家媒体报道,中国法院宣告一个女服务员有罪,但没有对她惩罚,那服务员女把一个要求和她性交的官员刺死,这个案子应发了网络关于政府不良的大声呼吁。
- Chinese court convicd but did not punish a waitress for stabbing to death an official who demanded sex, state media said, in a case that sparked an Internet outcry about government sleaze. 国家媒体报道,中国法院宣告一个女服务员有罪,但没有对她惩罚,那服务员女把一个要求和她性交的官员刺死,这个案子应发了网络关于政府不良的大声呼吁。
- The wife filed for divorce but, for some bizarre reason, evidence from a bird was apparently not admissible in Chinese courts. 这位妻子提出离婚,但是理由很奇怪,很显然,证鸟在中国的法庭中很难被接受。