- Chinese cooperative learning 语文合作学习
- Slavin,R.E.(1985).An instruction to cooperative learning research. 教育部(民82).;国民小学课程标准
- How does your Chinese cooperative organization to evaluate projects results? 贵组织的中方合作伙伴如何衡量项目活动的效果?
- The Theories and Methods of Computer - Suppported Cooperative Learning II. 计算机支持的协作学习2。
- Slavin,R.E.(1985) .An instruction to cooperative learning research. 教育部(民82)。国民小学课程标准。教育部编印。
- The perfect combination of multi-media/net technology and cooperative learning (CL) definitely offered some new solutions to this problem. 多媒体网络技术与合作学习理念的完美结合无疑为解决这种矛盾提出了新的方法和思路。
- Summarize the current situation of research on Cooperative Learning and application of Blog and Wiki in education. 通过文献研究等方式对协作学习领域的研究现状,以及Blog、Wiki在教育中的应用现状作了概括和总结。
- Slavin, R. E. (1990). Cooperative learning : The social psychology of the primary school. N.Y.:KKY. 陈焕彬(民88),网路合作学习系统之规划、建置与评估,国立师范学院资讯教育研究所硕士论文。
- CSCL differs from CSCW,and there are also differences between collaborative learning and cooperative learning. CSCL与CSCW有区别,协作学习与合作学习也有区别。
- Dorigo M, Gambardella L M. Ant colony system: a cooperative learning approach to the traveling salesman problem[J]. 段海滨;王道波.;一种快速全局优化的改进蚁群算法及仿真[J]
- Johnson,D.W.,Johnson,R.T. and M.b.2000,“Cooperative learning methods:a meta-analysis” .http://ww.clcrc.com/. 郭书彩.;外语课堂合作学习中的情感与认知因素[J]
- In all, inducting cooperative learning can indeed bring beneficial yield to the students' learning motive.IV. 整体而言,实施合作学习对学生学习动机的增进是有帮助的。
- The following briefly outlines some major differences between Collaborative and Cooperative Learning. 下列各项简短地概略说明在协作学习和合作学习之间的一些主要的不同。
- CSCL differs from CSCW, and there are also differences between collaborative learning and cooperative learning. CSCL与CSCW有区别,协作学习与合作学习也有区别。
- Then Koreanand Chinese cooperation on cultural industry will have a broad horizonand bright prospect for development. 那么韩中文化产业合作将会具有广阔的空间和发展前景。
- I would to eulogize our chinese cooperate partner,we can't establish cooperate arrangement without their effort. 我特别要赞颂我们的中国合作伙伴,没有他们的努力,我们是无法成功得达成合作协议的。
- The inspiring outcomes from the study prove that cooperative learning is an effective way in English teaching in military academies. 从本研究中得出的令人鼓舞的结果证明合作学习是一种适合军校英语教学的有效的教学模式。
- The application of cooperative learning and cognitive apprenticeship were suitable for the PE senior high school students. 合作学习及认知学徒制的学习方式适合用在体育高中的英文教学上。
- Note: If cooperation intents reached in April 10, French delegates might seek on-site visit to their Chinese cooperators in the afternoon of April 11. 备注:如果前日达成合作意向,法国来宾可事先与中方约定在此时间开展实地考察。
- Adams, D.M., and Hamm, M.E., Cooperative learning critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum, Charles C. Thomas, 1990. 谢佳凌,“电视剧迷在虚拟社群中的交谈意义”,国立政治大学广播电视学系硕士论文,民90。