- CCTV is the mouthpiece of the government in the eyes of Chinese audiences. CCTV的政府喉舌的品牌形象太过严肃,与大众有距离感。
- The Li Yuan-chia Project will introduce the legacy of the artist to Chinese audiences through new commissions, exhibitions and a bilingual monograph. 李元佳项目旨在通过作品巡展、新作品的创作和一本双语专著,将这位艺术家传奇的一生介绍给中国的观众。
- I'm sure the Chinese audiences will love the two pieces we are presenting as they both display the extraordinary technical virtuosity and charisma of the dancers. 我相信中国的观众将会喜欢我们带来的两支舞蹈,因为舞蹈展现出舞者们非凡精湛的表演技艺以及超凡的个人魅力。”
- In recent years, renowned Russian ballet troupe, symphonic orchestra and other art troupes have visited China on many occasions, demonstrating the charm of Russian art to Chinese audiences. 近年来,俄罗斯知名的芭蕾舞团、交响乐团等文艺团体多次访华演出,向中国观众展示了俄罗斯艺术的魅力。
- He get excited said after the game: , yes, I have heard, the people were shouting `refuels, refuels ', many Chinese audiences shout for me, they have given me the enormous courage. 他赛后动情地说:“是的,是的,我听见了,人们喊着‘加油、加油’,很多中国观众为我呼喊,他们给了我极大的勇气。”
- Hong Kong has a unique advantage in bridging the Chinese mainland with the Western audiences and opening a window on the world for Chinese audience. 香港拥有独特优势,足以作为中国内地与西方观众的桥梁,并为内地观众打开世界之窗。
- At other times, only Chinese audience members were chortling with glee. 结果很自然是我赢了这个环节,因为我本来就是一只顽皮的小猴子。
- In 2009, the National Theatre Company of China presents Don Quixote as a key original drama to Chinese audience. 2009年,中国国家话剧院首次将这部作品作为重点原创剧目搬上中国话剧舞台。
- In G1, I have been struggling to balance display aesthetics and the need to let my Chinese audience and English audience both feel comfortable. 在G1中,我竭尽全力地想要平衡显示的美学感,并且要让我的汉语用户及英语用户同时觉得惬意。
- The Chinese audience would love the movie which stunning scene of Nicole Kidman in beautiful red Cheongsam will be remembered for many moons to come. 中国人会爱上这部电影,特别是女主角妮歌洁曼穿着红旗袍的极其出色镜头,许多月圆过后还会念念不忘的。
- As a gowned university proctor walked towards the stage, and the Chinese audience turned on the man, he threw a grey trainer. 正当着正装的校方学监走上讲台,中国听众转向那名男子时,他投掷了一只灰色运动软鞋。
- Western audience may be moved by a classical Chinese opera.Similarly, Chinese audience may also shed tears in a Shakespearean play. 西方的观众会为一部中国古代的戏曲而感到,同样中国的观众也会被莎士比亚的戏剧而流泪。
- It lies instead in its historical reflection that is an imperative to the contemporary Chinese audience, although it is not lighthearted. 对于当代中国观众来说,这种思考虽非轻松愉快,却是势在必行。
- I think Chinese audience empathize its part of caution (caution themselves desire) of this film and feel virtue, and Japanese audience, too. 当然,日本观众也同样如此。
- Unlike America and most of the world, the Chinese audience could develop artistic sensibilities that Hollywood blockbusters deaden. 不像美国和世界上的多数人一样,如果中国观众肯开发我们自己的艺术鉴赏力,那么好莱坞大片将削弱。
- According to survey, among all sporting events, Chinese audience like to watch Ping Pong competitions the most, these are all our potential customers. 留学解答资讯网:根据调查,在所有体育赛事中,中国观众最喜欢看乒乓球比赛,这些都是我们潜在的客户!
- Those in that snickering Chinese audience should consider that, on paper, the United States looks relatively immune to this trade collapse. 那些窃笑的中国听众应该考虑到,在理论上,这种贸易崩溃对美国的影响相对小。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- As I have said above, documentary is not valued by Chinese audience, therefore I hope this feature film can attract more audience to learn about the achievement of Lai Man-wai. 正如前述,记录片在中国观众心目中位置始终不高,所以我希望这部剧情片能吸引更多观众。