- Furthermore, being exposed to the influence and exchanges of a wide variety of Chinese and Western thoughts, our youths have nurtured a liberal and lively mind. 此外,香港的青年人有条件接受到中西文化各种思想的冲击和交流,思想很开放、很活跃。
- Furthermore,being exposed to the influence and exchanges of a wide variety of Chinese and Western thoughts,our youths have nurtured a liberal and lively mind. 此外,香港的青年人有条件接受到中西文化各种思想的冲击和交流,思想很开放、很活跃。
- We cater to both Chinese and Western tastes. 我们供应中餐和西餐。
- He learns both Chinese and Western culture. 他学习中西方文化。
- You can get both Chinese and Western food here. 这里供应中餐和西餐。
- Before further interpreting and justifying the substance of Shakespearean tragedies, I make a brief review of the major visions on death in Chinese and Western thoughts; 论述了五部悲剧中种种情形复杂的“爱”是如何惊人地与潜伏在悲剧人物下意识中的“死亡本能”联系在一起的,有哈姆雷特因“俄狄浦斯情结”而对奥菲里亚所产生的扭曲却强烈的爱;
- We have both Chinese and western perfume. Which do you like better? 我们有中国的和西方的,您更喜欢哪一种?
- How Possible Is Comparative Poetics between Chinese and Western? 中西比较诗学如何可能?
- Most mergers between Chinese and Western companies stumble. 大多数中西企业合并后的结果并不尽如人意。
- In Chinese and western ethic ideas,"love" is a very kernal concept. 在中西方伦理思想中,“爱”都是一个十分核心的概念。
- Verbal taboo is a common phenomenon in Chinese and Western culture. 摘要语言禁忌是中西方普遍存在的一种社会文化现象。
- This handicraft is a combination of Chinese and Western features. 这件工艺品简直是中西合璧啊!
- Chinese and Western thoughts 中西思维
- The gathering of tinder is a good combination of Chinese and Western elements. 有关领导和大学生们参加了这个庄严的仪式。
- The educational thoughts deriving from Chinese and western countries' culture systems respectively have their own merits and deficiencies, and present distinct features. 中、西两大文化体系所孕育出来的教育思想,各有长短,互有优势,并呈现出鲜明的特质。
- Finally,Zhang Dai-nian synthesizes Chinese and Western ethic thought and puts forward“motional unity of man with Heaven" view . 张岱年的伦理思想对构建和谐社会具有重要的借鉴意义。
- The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles. 这个新设计融合了中西式的优点。
- As the deepening of the academic exchange between Chinese and Western philosophies,the comparative study of aesthetic thought between Heidegger and Taoism has been a hot topic. 在中西哲学的终极视域交流的张力背景中,海德格尔与道家美学思想的比较也成为近年来学术界的热点。
- Mencius and Plato are coetaneous ideologist, had produced tremendous effect to society of Chinese and Western, their thought has a lot of place that be interlinked. 孟子与柏拉图是同时代思想家,都对中西社会产生过巨大影响,他们的思想有许多相通之处。
- Alienation effect is a line of demarcation between Chinese and western drama. 摘要间离效果是中西戏剧艺术的分水岭。