- Discussion on the Chinese Aesthetic Education in High School 浅谈高中美育教育
- Chinese aesthetic education 语文审美教育
- Roles of aesthetic education in P.E. 审美教育在体育教学中的地位不容忽视。
- Aesthetic education in college P.E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育。
- Study on the Aesthetic Education in Colleges P. E. 高校体育教学中的美学教育探析。
- Aesthetic Education can promote productivity. 摘要美育有助于提高生产力。
- The aesthetic education should be dl one in the Chinese teaching for its subject nature and aesthetic value. 摘要在语文教学中进行审美教育是由大学语文的学科性质及其本身所具有的审美价值决定的。
- Designers are fashioning a new Chinese aesthetic, blending the here and Mao. 当下,一种融合了现代和毛泽东时代元素的新潮中国式审美观正在设计师中流行。
- Strengthening Aesthetic Education in University P.E. 加强大学生体育美育教育的思考。
- He advocated to substitute religion with aesthetic education and combine western psychology with Chinese traditional culture. 他主张以美育代替宗教,提出将西方心理学同中国传统文化相结合。
- Utility of nonutility of aesthetic education has long been an issue of controversy since aesthetic education was formally accepted in the Chinese context. 摘要从“美育”一词进入中国语境中以来,美育的“功利性”和“超功利性”便是人们争论不休的话题。
- Natural aesthetic is the core of Chinese aesthetics. 自然审美是中国古代美学的核心。
- The education without aesthetic education is not the education of the times. 46没有美育的教育不是时代的教育。
- Zong Baihua's Study on Chinese aesthetic modernity is connected with his study on Goethe. 摘要宗白华对于中国审美现代性问题的思考,是与其对歌德的研究相结合的。
- Reimer’s concept of art is the foundation of his idea of aesthetic education. 在这样的艺术观的支撑下,才有了雷默的审美教育思想。
- On the other hand, “complementation of Confucianism and Taoism” expresses personality model of the traditional Chinese aesthetic psychology. 另一方面,“儒道互补”则极好地展示出中国传统审美心理学的人格模式。
- In contemporary Sinology (Chinese studies in the West), the traditional Chinese aesthetic concept "inscape" (jing) is an important subject of research. 摘要在西方当代汉学研究中,中国传统审美概念“境”,包括“意境”和“境界”,是一个重要的学术课题,该课题的入门之径,是对“境”这一术语的翻译和阐释。
- While imagism may be one example of Chinese aesthetic influences on Western literature, this is only the tip of the iceberg. 虽然意象主义可以算是中国美学对西方文学产生影响的一个例证,但这只是冰山的一角。
- Chinese esthetic education 语文美育
- "Secularization" and "Transcendence" constituted integrally is the cardinal spirit of Chinese aesthetic culture came down in a continuous line from ancient times to the present. “世俗性”和“超越性”的浑然不离,就是从古到今一脉相承的中国审美文化的根本精神。