- Chinese Spring ph2b mutant 中国春ph2b突变体
- Appreciate the Chinese Spring Orchid - Cym. faberi Rolfe) . 蕙兰(一茎九华)的欣赏与鉴别。
- Appreciate the Chinese Spring Orchid - Cym. forrestii Rolfe) . 春兰的欣赏与鉴别。
- Appreciate the Chinese Spring Orchid - Cym. Longbracteatum). 春剑兰的欣赏与鉴别。
- May all the wishes for you at this special moment of chinese spring festival! 祝大家新年万象更新,更上层楼!
- Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. 很多人将这台晚会视为传统中国春节除夕夜的每年的主要组成部分。
- YAO, take care of yourself and get well soon. Hope we can see you on court on Chinese Spring Festival! 姚明,照顾好自己,早日康复。希望我们能在春节的时候看到你。
- The same as western Merry Christmas , Chinese Spring Festival is the most important festa of the year. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样;是一年中最重要的节日.
- Chinese spring festival is the same as west's Christmas,is the most important fete of one year. 中国的春节同西方的圣诞节一样;是一年中最重要的节日.
- One day might include Italian pizza, Mexican burritos, French bread, Chinese spring rolls and some German chocolate. 又是意大利的比萨饼,又是墨西哥的玉米粉圆饼,法式面包,中国春卷还有德国巧克力,可谓“吃的是百国饭”。
- Therefore, N could regulate growth and organo-sulfur compounds of Chinese spring onion with sufficient S supply. 因此,充足供硫条件下,氮素调控水平对保证大葱高产和高含硫有机物含量至关重要。
- All in all, Chinese spring palace paintings are inclined to poetic imagination, yet western nudes commit themselves to veracious expression. 总体上看,春宫图偏向于诗意的想象,而人体画则侧重于具象表现。
- Compare Kwanzaa with the Chinese Spring Festival and Christmas. In which way are they similar and in which way are the different? 总结全文,呈现讨论话题,让学生有充分的时间讨论,最后放映一些展示节日欢乐气氛的图片和音乐。
- When Leng Jingyi was a small girl, she had to wait for the annual Chinese Spring Festival to indulge in her favourite dishes. 当冷静宜(音译)还是个小女孩的时候,每年她都要等到过春节才能尽情享用她最喜欢的菜肴。
- If say Dunkirk pulls out greatly is a miracle, so such " miracle " it is during Chinese spring carry, be in everyday happening silently. 假如说敦克尔克大撤退是一次奇迹,那么这样的“奇迹”在中国春运期间,天天都在默默地发生着。
- Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos and Chinese spring rolls.But the American version doesn't taste quite like the original! 美国人喜爱意大利的比萨,墨西哥的薄饼卷和中国的春卷,但是这些东西的美国版味道却不太地道!
- Chromosome map was performed on Landon Chinese Spring substitution lines and the result suggested that this segment was located on both long and short arms of all A chromosomes. 利用小麦二体和端体代换系材料对其进行定位,结果显示该片段分布在所有A染色体的长臂和断臂上。
- International market Longkou bean vermicelli praised as also " Chinese glass fiber" of, "Chinese dragon must ", " Chinese spring rain ",etc. laudatory title. 国际市场上龙口粉丝亦被誉为“中国玻璃丝”、“中国龙须”、“中国春雨”等美称。
- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited low-income families in Fushun city, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Friday, two days before the Chinese Spring Festival. 在春节到来的前两天,中国总理温家宝在东北的辽宁省抚顺市访问了一些贫困家庭。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。