- The chinese industry develpos by leaps and bounds. 中国工业突飞猛进地发展着。
- Chinese industry now consumes about two-thirds of rare-earth production. 中国工业如今消耗稀土产量的三分之二。
- The apartment project symbolized for me both the achievements and blunders of Chinese industry. 在我看来,这群公寓建筑象征中国工业的成就,也是中国工业的失误。
- Dahe is the China patent holder of Ball Joint Handrailing and the drafting company of the Chinese Industry Standard. 大和是球接栏杆中国专利持有人,是中国行业标准的起草人。
- Jefferson. G, and Rawski, 1994, Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry, Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol 8. 林旭东李一智等.;企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究[J]
- The just-in-time (JIT) concept has had a great impact on Chinese industry in the last decade. 在过去的10年中,准时化的概念对中国工业的影响很大。
- Dahe is the drafting company of the Chinese Industry Standard:YB/T4001
. 大和是YB/T4001中国行业标准的起草人。 - Jefferson.G,and Rawski,1994,Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry,Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol 8. 林旭东;李一智;沈福喜.;企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究[J]
- Jasonme: As Chinese industry booms and automobile use spreads, the country as a whole appears to be on a feverish quest for fossil fuels. 随着中国工业的发展和机动车使用的普及,一种对于矿物燃料的迫切要求盛行于整个国家。
- Reservations about Chinese investment are particularly acute in Australia, which is packed with the raw materials Chinese industry craves. 在澳大利亚,对于中国投资的保留态度尤为强烈,而那里却有中国工业生产所亟求的原材料。
- When they considered the wealth that Chinese industry had amassed in such a short time, it was hard for them to believe otherwise. 当他们考虑到中国工业在如此短的时间积累了极大的财富,你很难让他们相信还有别的路可走。
- Internet also is the Chinese industry that I think to be able to be in coequal development level exclusively with the whole world. 互联网也是我认为唯一能和全世界处于同等发展水平的中国产业。
- Considering Chinas status in GVC division of labor and Chinese industry pattern, latent upgrading is more feasible than apparent upgrading in China. 与显性升级相比,全球价值链分工和我国产业格局现状决定了现阶段我国企业集群采取隐性升级模式更具可行性。
- We are the excellent copartner with the Chinese industrial equipment design! 我们是中国工业产品设计研发卓越合作伙伴!
- The 20-year reform has enabled the Chinese industry to get rid of the backward status characterized by a unitary variety of products and low technological level. 经过20年改革,中国工业摆脱了长期以来产品品种单一、技术水平低下的落后状况。
- The 20-year reform has enabled the Chinese industry to get rid of the backward status characterized by ####a unitary variety of products and low technological level. 经过20年改革,中国工业摆脱了长期以来产品品种单一、技术水平低下的落后状况。
- We can also find from her unique imaginal sense, that she is a bright lamp illuminating the current Chinese industry and agriculture from conflict to harmony. 其独特的形象意义还在于:她是照亮当代中国工农业之间由冲突对立走向互融共生的一盏明灯。
- The application of CBN wheels in Chinese industry and current problems are described .And dressing methods of the wheel in China and abroad are also reviewed in the paper. 本文介绍了CBN砂轮在我国的应用情况及存在的问题;综述了国内外已有的关于CBN砂轮的修整技术。
- The thesis focuses on the influences of IIM on Chinese industrial development and our corresponding countermeasures. 本文以国际产业转移对我国产业发展的影响及对策为研究主题。
- In addition to project activities, Lummus has developed extensive cooperative relationships with Chinese industries. 除了广泛的项目业务外,ABB鲁玛斯公司与中国石油化工界开拓了广泛的合作关系。