- Chinese Buddhist pagoda 中国佛塔
- This Buddhist pagoda in Fawang Temple was built. 法王寺舍利塔。
- The traditional chinese Buddhist sutra c. 国语佛经传统课诵系列。
- In Chinese Buddhism, the lotus became a symbol of purity. 在中国佛教中,莲花成为纯洁的象征。
- Worshippers' candles illuminate the Shwedagon Paya, a gilded Buddhist pagoda that rises almost 330 feet (100 meters) in central Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar (Burma). 信徒们点燃的蜡烛照亮了瑞光大金塔,这是一座高达330英尺(100米)的镀金佛塔,位于缅甸仰光的中心。
- This paper, based on textual research and the analysis of the Thai language, concludes that Cheli is the transliteration of the word Buddhist pagoda in the Thai language. 通过查阅古籍和对泰国的泰族语言分析、比较 ,可以认定 ,车里是傣泰语言中“佛塔”的译音。
- This temple occupies a special position in Chinese Buddhist architecture. 该寺院在中国佛教建筑中占有特殊位置。
- The ancient Chinese pagoda took on its own distinct style when architects combined the features of circular Indian Buddhist pagodas with those of traditional Chinese pavilions and towers. 中国的建筑师们把印度佛塔的圆形与中国传统楼亭建筑方式相结合,从而使中国古塔形成自己的独特风格。
- It's a Buddhist pagoda. 那是一座佛教宝塔
- This isn't a Buddhist pagoda. 韩佳:这可不是什么佛塔呀。
- Fourthly, the ancient Chinese Buddhist art engraving art of Asia and the world impact. 第四,中国古代雕版佛画对亚洲及世界美术的影响。
- Of the various characteristics of Chinese Buddhist humanism, perfect syncretism is a unique feature. 中国佛教人文精神有颇多特征,其中圆融性独具一格。
- I-tsing, a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim en route for India, called at Sumatra in 671 and mentioned two states: Malayu (near present-day Jambi) and Srivijaya. 671年,一位名叫艾青的中国佛陀朝圣者,在去印度的途中在苏门答腊作了停留,他提到两个国家:摩罗游(今占碑附近)和室利佛逝。
- As for Chinese Buddhism, the understanding and interpretation of Indian Buddhist sutra is nearly a kind of cultural "grafting". 中国佛学对印度佛典的理解与解释近乎一种文化"嫁接"。
- The hallmarks of Chinese architecture during the Song period were its towering Buddhist pagodas, enormous stone and wooden bridges, its lavish tombs, and palatial architecture. 宋朝在经济、手工业和科学技术方面都有发展,使得宋代的建筑师、木匠、技工、工程师、斗栱体系、建筑构造与造型技术达到了很高的水平。
- Chinese Buddhism, focusing on death, offers the richest theory of death in Chinese history of ideology. 中国佛教是中国思想史上死亡理论最丰富的学说体系。
- Han Buddhism maintains the Chinese Buddhist Canon, Tibetan Buddhism maintains Kangyur and Tengyur, and Theravada maintains the three Pali canons. 汉传佛教传承汉文大藏经,藏传佛教传承甘珠尔、丹珠尔,南传佛教传承巴利三藏。
- A Buddhist pagoda built in the Song Dynasty, 有年代久远的宋代佛塔
- The plot narrative model and new changes in Tang dynasty fiction show that Chinese Buddhist Scripture is a real big treasure house of literature. 由以上这些唐代小说的情节和叙事模式的新变化可以看出,汉译佛典对唐代小说叙事的影响的确是非常深刻的。
- In the meanwhile, the maturing narrative rulers of Chinese Buddhist Scripture showed active and profound influence to the Tang dynasty stories. 同时,汉译佛典所具有的趋渐成熟的叙事规范更是积极深刻地影响了唐代小说的叙事。