- Plain living and hard working is a fine tradition of the Chinese armed forces. 勤俭建军、艰苦奋斗是中国军队的优良传统。
- The Chinese armed forces have all along given priority to ideological and political work. 中国军队始终把思想政治建设摆在各项建设的首位。
- The Chinese armed forces have participated in security dialogue and cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. 中国军队参与了亚太地区安全对话与合作。
- The Chinese armed forces pay great attention to training qualified personnel for the country's economic construction. 中国军队注重为国家经济建设事业造就和输送合格人才。
- As a prelude to this extensive unilateral disarmament, the Chinese armed forces were reduced, reorganized and restructured between 1982 and 1984. 作为八十年代大规模单方面裁军行动的序幕,从1982年到1984年,中国对军队进行了精简整编和体制调整。
- Stalin considered the most acceptable assistance by Chinese armed forces would be in the form of “people's volunteers. 斯大林认为中国武装力量施以援手的最可以接受的方式是以“人民志愿军”的形式。
- As a prelude to this extensive unilateral disarmament,the Chinese armed forces were reduced,reorganized and restructured between 1982 and 1984. 作为八十年代大规模单方面裁军行动的序幕,从1982年到1984年,中国对军队进行了精简整编和体制调整。
- The positive,extensive foreign military contacts on the part of the Chinese armed forces have promoted mutual understanding and trust between the PLA and other armed forces. 中国军队积极活跃的对外军事交往,促进了中国军队同世界各国军队的相互了解和信任。
- Consistently placing weaponry construction in a prominent position, the Chinese armed forces strive to modernize military equipment and enhance their operational capability for self-defense. 中国军队始终把武器装备建设放在突出地位,努力实现武器装备的现代化,提高军队防卫作战能力。
- Chinese armed forces have been active in participating in multilateral military diplomatic activities to bring the positive role of the Chinese armed forces into full play in the sphere of international military affairs. 中国军队积极参与多边军事外交活动,充分发挥中国军队在处理国际军事事务中的积极作用。
- While cutting down large numbers of personnel,the Chinese armed forces have transferred part of their military facilities to local authorities or opened them to the public to support the country's construction. 中国军队在大量裁减员额的同时,向地方腾让、开放部分军事设施,支援国家建设事业。
- In the 1990s,the logistical work of the Chinese armed forces focused on meeting the needs of providing logistical support during local wars in high-tech conditions and strengthening the logistical operational readiness. 进入九十年代,中国军队后勤着眼高技术条件下局部战争后勤保障需要,加强后勤战备工作。
- Chinese armed forces have made great efforts to promote ties with the armed forces of Northeast Asian countries,and made positive contributions to the stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia as a whole. 中国军队努力促进与东北亚国家军队的关系,对朝鲜半岛乃至东北亚的稳定作出了积极贡献。
- Consistently placing weaponry construction in a prominent position,the Chinese armed forces strive to modernize military equipment and enhance their operational capability for self-defense. 中国军队始终把武器装备建设放在突出地位,努力实现武器装备的现代化,提高军队防卫作战能力。
- To keep pace with the development of the socialist market economy and meet the needs of the armed forces'quality construction,the Chinese armed forces have carried out a series of reforms in logistical work. 为适应社会主义市场经济的发展和军队质量建设的需要,中国军队对后勤工作进行了一系列改革。
- Participating in and supporting the country's construction is an important task entrusted by the Constitution to the Chinese armed forces,and a reflection of the fundamental purpose of the people's army -- to serve the people wholeheartedly. 参加和支援国家建设,是宪法赋予中国军队的一项重要任务,也是人民军队全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨的体现。
- In the 1990s, the logistical work of the Chinese armed forces focused on meeting the needs of providing logistical support during local wars in high-tech conditions and strengthening the logistical operational readiness. 进入九十年代,中国军队后勤着眼高技术条件下局部战争后勤保障需要,加强后勤战备工作。
- To keep pace with the development of the socialist market economy and meet the needs of the armed forces' quality construction, the Chinese armed forces have carried out a series of reforms in logistical work. 为适应社会主义市场经济的发展和军队质量建设的需要,中国军队对后勤工作进行了一系列改革。
- The American image of China was somewhat romantic and idealized, and it ignored the realities of inefficiency, graft, and corruption in Chiang Kai-Shek’s government and the Chinese armed forces. 美国人心目中的中国形象有些浪漫化和理想化,他们忽略了这样的现实,即蒋介石政府和中国军队中,无能和贪污腐败现象比比皆是。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 职业军人在武装部队中谋职的人