- China and the West drawing 中西绘画
- He sums up the development of China and the West from several aspects. 新书中,他从多个角度总结了中国和西方国家的发展。
- The different cultural traditions in China and the West have created a different aesthetics. 中国和西方的不同文化传统产生了不同艺术审美观点。
- Deeply thought, what Cohen concerned is the relation between China and the West. 从深层看,柯文所关注的课题的本质其实还在“中国与西方关系”这一点上。
- The international interaction which mirrors the growing interdependence between China and the West. 重庆与世界的联系反映出中国与西方世界逐渐增强的相互关系。
- China and the West diet culture fuses in the collision, in fusion supplementary. 中西饮食文化在碰撞中融合,在融合中互补。
- Then, it presents the formation basis of Beijing and Rome, two capital paradigms of China and the West. 然后,从国家尊严角度阐述中西两个首都典范(北京和罗马)的形成基础。
- Are China and the West converging towards similar models balancing private and government roles in the economy? 中国和西方国家所采用的模式是否会日益趋同,即政府和非政府在经经中的作用日趋平衡?
- China and the West modem drawing 中西现代绘画
- Indeed,Singapore has been an experiment in cultural fusion,as it combines the culture of south China and the management system of the West. 实际上,新加坡本身就是一个文化融合的实验:南中国文化和西方管理制度的融合。
- China and the Chinese people have always been misinterpreted by the west,sometimes because of ignorance and prejudice,but often out of ill feeling and animosity. 中国和中国人民一直被西方歪曲,有时是由于无知和偏见,但经常也是出于恶意和敌视。
- Indeed, Singapore has been an experiment in cultural fusion, as it combines the culture of south China and the management system of the West. 实际上,新加坡本身就是一个文化融合的实验:南中国文化和西方管理制度的融合。
- Clearly, the first step in the direction of strengthening development ties between China and the west is commercial banking reform. 很清楚,向这个方向发展的第一步就是商业银行改革。
- Research on the common ideas in civilizations of Islam,China and the west is an accountable duty of a self-conscious scholar on civilization. 对伊斯兰文明、中华文明、西方文明这些重大文明典籍中的共同文明理念,进行深入发掘和研究,这是文明自觉者应负的历史责任。
- Though there are these difficulties, intercultural dialogue, in particular a dialogue on ethics between China and the West, is still possible. 尽管其间存在着诸多困难,但文化间的对话,尤其是中西之间伦理学的对话,仍然是可能的。
- Based on the history of cultural communication between China and the West, Chinese culture has exerted a strong influence on western one. 从中西文化交流的历史来看,中国文化对西方文化的发展产生了一定的影响。
- The site bears testimony to one of the earliest and longest-lasting encounters between China and the West based on the vibrancy of international trade. 站点熊证词到一个最早和长持久的遭遇在中国和根据国际贸易振动的西方之间。
- Why Europe and the West? Why not China? 为什么是欧洲和西方,而不是中国?
- Urban villages in China and the slums of the West in 19th centuries are all the lord low cost area where the fluid population of farmers living. 我国的城中村与19世纪西方的贫民窟具有较多相似性,二者都是以进城农民为主的流动人口低成本居住区。
- The introduction of the Heliocentric Theory proposed by Copernicus into China is a major event in the cultural exchange between China and the West. 哥白尼日心地动说之传入中国,乃中西文化交流之大事,历来为学界所重。