- I am with NTO of China based in New York. 我在中国旅游公司驻纽约分公司工作。
- Zhang Hua is with NTO of China based in Tokyo. 张华在中国旅游公司驻东京分公司工作。
- USD99.5/DMT CFR FO China Main Port,China based on 64.5% Fe,fraction prorata. 8美元/千公吨中国主要港口到岸价,基于64.;5%25的铁含量,按比例计算。
- CIM is part of Web Based Enterprise Management (WBEM),an initiative within the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) standards group. CIM是桌面管理任务(DMTM)标准组织提出的基于网站的企业管理(WBEM)创议书的一部分。
- A principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao-tzu in the6th century b.c. 道教中国的一种主要哲学和宗教,以公元前6世纪的老子的教义为基础
- CIM is part of Web Based Enterprise Management (WBEM), an initiative within the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) standards group. cim是桌面管理任务(dmtm)标准组织提出的基于网站的企业管理(wbem)创议书的一部分。
- A principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao - tzu in the6th century b.c. 道教中国的一种主要哲学和宗教,以公元前6世纪的老子的教义为基础
- A principal philosophy and system of religion of China based on the teachings of Lao - tzuin the6th century b. C. 道教中国的一种主要哲学和宗教,以公元前6世纪的老子的教义为基础
- It is the primary condition of sinicization of Marxism for correctly appraising Marxism in China based on Marxism. 用马克思主义的态度来看待马克思主义的中国化问题是马克思主义中国化的首要条件。
- Some concrete suggestions are made on how to legalize Encouragement in China based on the present situation. 针对我国诱惑侦查的现状,对诱惑侦查的合法化规制提出了一些建议。
- To indicate the feasibility of using acetic ester carboxylation process in China based on making process comparison. 通过对各种生产工艺的对比,提出了醋酸甲酯羰基化工艺在我国的可行性。
- The authors put forward corresponding suggestions on ground plot design of NFI in China based on existing problems. 结合我国森林资源清查在样地设计方面的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。
- This dissertation given a introduce of the measurement of expected cash flow based enterprise value first, and demonstrated essential uniformity of DCF method and EVA method emphatically. 文章首先对以预期现金流为基础的企业价值测算方法进行了介绍,并重点论证了贴现现金流法(DCF法)和经济增加值法(EVA法)在本质上的一致性。
- Therefore we need to improve the legislation on anti-circumvention in China based on the experience of Europe and America. 中国的反规避立法起步晚,很不完善,应借鉴欧美的先进立法经验,完善中国的反规避立法。
- Manufacturers/suppliers may contact us with their offer on CNF China basis,. 相关说明 We require Iron ore of all grades in bulk.
- As a result of Yuan's increasingly dictatorial methods, Sun established an independent republic in southern China based in Canton in 1921. 由于袁越来越独裁的方法,在1921年孙成立了一个设在中国广东的独立共和国南部的总部。
- The article further analyses the main factors that influence the international student studying in China based on the Altbach Push-Pull theory. 在华攻读学位的学历生有所增加,但仍然以短期进修生(特别是汉语进修生)为主;
- In 2005, a China based formula manufacturer did not provide adequate nutrition in their formula resulting in malnourished children. 2005年,中国制造商提供的婴儿配方奶粉中没有含有足够的营养,造成婴儿在食用后出现营养不良的情况。
- Ernst &Young is a leader in Initial Public Offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with many of these listed clients being mainland China based. 安永会计师事务所及其很多基于中国大陆的上市公司在香港股票交易市场的首次公开发行股票中处于领头羊的地位。
- WEB Based Enterprise Long-Range Training 基于WEB的企业远程培训