- China peace keeping police 中国维和警察
- The army will help the police in the peace keeping process. 军队将协助警察保持和平进程。
- Within a week, peace keeping troops will be sent from the West to bring stability to the war torn country. 一个星期之后,从西方派出的维和部队将稳定带到了这个饱经战乱的国家。
- Vegetable is to offer a micronutrient prandial fine peace keeping is natural the main source that fights oxide. 蔬菜是提供微量营养素膳食纤维和天然抗氧化物的重要来源。
- Sesame seed: Contain a large number of amino acid, food fine peace keeping is mineral, can promote defecate. 芝麻:含有大量氨基酸,食物纤维和矿物质,能促进排便。
- Facing to this historical phenomenon that occurred with China Peace Rise, must urgently set corresponding countermeasures and build according mechanism. 面对伴随着中国和平崛起而出现的这一历史现象,必须抓紧制定出相应对策,建立相应的应对机制。
- A plane carrying11 people aiding the African union peace keeping force in Somalia crashed Friday near the capital Mogadishu. 一架载着11人的飞机与周五在索马里首都摩加迪沙坠毁,机内人员是索马里非洲维和联军的援助者。
- The sportsman of African union peace keeping force says the violence in Mogadishu is becoming more deadly and better organized. 非盟发言人说摩加迪沙的战事正趋于白热化,非盟的组织也更加有力了。
- A plane carrying 11 people aiding the African union peace keeping force in Somalia crashed Friday near the capital Mogadishu. 一架载着11人的飞机与周五在索马里首都摩加迪沙坠毁,机内人员是索马里非洲维和联军的援助者。
- China Peace investment companies have a wealth of experience and industry experts to uphold the principles of integrity, service to our clients and to their own greatest strength lay a good foundation for a successful investor. 华维斯特投资公司拥有一支行业经验丰富和秉承诚信原则的专家队伍,服务于我们的客户,并以自身最大的力量为投资者成功奠定良好的基础。
- A team of UK peace keeping experts are to help train the Peoples Liberation Army ahead of their UN Peace Keeping deployment to Southern Sudan this summer. 今年夏季,英国维和专家组将于中国人民解放军前往苏丹南部执行联合国维和任务之前对其进行培训。
- The debate is begun about which countries will provide troops for a UN peace keeping force in Lebanon. So far, Bangladesh, France and Italy are promising to send soldiers. 关于哪些国家将向黎巴嫩派遣维和士兵引起争议。迄今为止,孟加拉国,法国和意大利答应派遣维和士兵。
- Current, china peaceful illume is acting the role of an industry at world lamp with brand-new brand image stand erect. 当前,华泰照明正以崭新的品牌形象屹立于世界灯饰行业。
- UN could not do a lot of work during the Cold War because of the conflict between East and West.After the end of the Cold War,we see all the importance of UN; especially peace keeping operations have become much more important. 由于东西方之间的冲突,冷战期间联合国无法做很多工作,但冷战结束之后,我们看到了联合国的重要性,尤其是其维持和平的作用变得十分重要。
- We know we can reunify China peacefully, but we cannot predict how long it will take. 我们知道我们可以和平统一中国,只是无法预测要多久。
- China Peaceful unification Promotion agency Vice-chairman Zhou Tienong presides over the conference. 中国和平统一促进会副会长周铁农主持会议。
- In conclusion, spending in national defense is critical in the peace keeping for a country and it also brings numerous benefits such as encouraging technology development and supporting economic growth. 总而言之,对一个国家而言,为了维护和平,军费开支具有重要性,它还带来象鼓励技术开发和促进经济增长等这样些好处。
- China peaceful illume knows a business deeply live with development be with consumer encourage what do not divide with support. 华泰照明深深懂得企业的生存与发展是和消费者的鼓励与支持分不开的。
- Product of China peaceful illume gains the support that got broad client and favour with best quality, steady performance, rich design. 华泰照明产品以最优的质量、稳定的性能、丰富的款式赢得到了广大客户的支持与青睐。
- The African union peace keeping force currently includes fewer than 2000 Ugandan soldiers. Resistance fighters attacked the Ugandan troops daily since their arrival in Mogadishu earlier this month. 非盟目前只有不到2000人的乌干达士兵。他们本月早些时候进入摩加迪沙,每天都受到反政府军的攻击。