- China Paper Manufacturing Development Co. 北京新顺通纸业中心中国造纸开发公司。
- The potential value and predication of application and development of the technology in China paper industry are discussed. 进一步探讨了该技术在我国造纸业应用的潜在价值、应用思路及发展趋势。
- The development of production technology,the improved quality and improvement of production management in cigarette paper sector of China paper industry are introduced. 介绍了华丰纸业有限公司卷烟纸生产工艺技术的发展,以及提高产品质量、管理水平的经验。
- According to industry forecasts, to 2020, the United States, Europe, China paper consumption level off tripartite confrontation trend. 根据行业预测,到2020年,美国、欧洲、中国纸张消费水平将呈三足鼎立之势。
- Inthe "May Fourth" Period the first revolution hit to China paper supplement. It declared the arising of the new supplement. “五四”时期我国报纸副刊发生了第一次变革,它宣告了新式副刊的诞生。
- Three solutions are suggested for the shortage of wood fiber and project construction capital,which prohibits the development of China抯 paper industry:... 对于产业组织结构,提出要通过国家政策调控、市场信息引导以及在竞争中优胜劣汰的方法加以优化调整。
- China Paper Company Group, established by the end of 1999, by transition from trade exchange business to paper-making industry is considered as a major corporation of integrated Pulp? Paper. 中纸集团公司是在1999年底由贸易流通领域转行介入造纸行业后组建发展起来的,是目前国内较大的综合制浆造纸企业。
- In recent years, the progressive development of anti-counterfeit technology and exploitation of new materials supplies the anti-counterfeit paper field in China paper industry with a bran-new developmental opportunity. 近年来,由于防伪技术的不断发展以及新材料的不断开发,为我国造纸工业的纸张防伪领域提供了全新的发展机遇。
- The investment environment of China paper industry is analyzed with the theoretical framework of investment research. ,which is a reference to those investors who show interests to our pulp and paper industry. 运用投资研究的理论框架分析我国造纸工业投资环境,供对我国浆纸工业有兴趣的投资者参考。
- Internationalism enables Chinas paper industry to grow from its adolescence to maturity, thus ending the history of production-dominated success. 国际化促使中国纸业从成长期发展到成熟期,生产制胜的历史已经结束。
- Development approaches in paper industrytechnological progress are explored on the basis of the actual situation of Chinas paper industry. 基于我国造纸工业的现实情况,探索造纸工业技术进步的发展思路。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- On China Paper Board Box Development and Innovation 我国纸箱、纸盒工业的发展与创新
- The China is being celebrated by its handicrafts. 中国是以它的手工艺品而著称。
- China Paper Chemicals Industry Association 中国造成纸化学品工业协会
- I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜欢在回家的途中阅读《中国日报》。
- Spring in East China usually sets in about March. 华东的春天一般约在三月开始。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- I wouldn't marry him for all the tea in China. 有天大好处我也不嫁给他。
- Korea is separated from China by the Yalu River. 朝鲜和中国只有鸭绿江一水之隔。