- Dominant nations in world diving are China and the United States. 在世界跳水运动中处于领先地位的国家有中国和美国。
- China and the United States are much more in synch with the future. 未来,中国和美国有更多共同的利益。
- Second,relations between China and the United States have been normalized. 第二,中美关系实现了正常化;
- China and the United States and Europe in the future will form a "tripod"?! ? 中美欧在未来会形成"三足鼎立"吗!?
- We hope similar events will not occur between China and the United States. 希望在中美之间不要出现类似的事情。
- The relations between China and the United States were a serious consideration. 中美之间的关系是一个要认真思考的因素。
- Canada and the United States are neighbors. 加拿大和美国是邻邦。
- Second, relations between China and the United States have been normalized. 第二,中美关系实现了正常化;
- A football match is going to be held between China and the United States. 中国和美国将举行一场足球对抗赛。
- China, Russia and the United States are aware of the role they play in world affairs. 中国、俄罗斯和美国都知道它们在世界事务中所起的作用。
- A: China and the United States will work together to build constructive and cooperative relations. 答:中美将共同致力于发展建设性合作关系。
- You are visiting China at a time when relations between China and the United States are strained. 你是在中美关系非常严峻的时刻到中国访问的。
- A: China and the United States are both major countries with significant influence in the world. 答:中美两国是世界上具有重要影响的大国。
- This is a realistic way of resolving the trade balance issue between China and the United States. 这是解决中美贸易平衡问题的现实出路。
- Are these chances increased or reduced by the current deterioration in relations between China and the United States ? 考虑到现在中美之间的关系有所恶化,中美之间达成协议的可能性是增加了还是减少了?
- Subsequently, the governments of China and the United States mutually accredited anti-drug liaison officers. 随后,中美两国政府互派了禁毒联络官。
- Subsequently,the governments of China and the United States mutually accredited anti-drug liaison officers. 随后,中美两国政府互派了禁毒联络官。
- Mexico and the United States adjoin. 墨西哥与美国毗邻。
- The Taiwan question is the most crucial and most sensitive issue in the relations between China and the United States. 台湾问题是中美关系中最核心、最敏感的问题。
- In January 1979,the People's Republic of China and the United States established formal diplomatic relations. 1979年1月,中美两国正式建立外交关系。