- China World Hotel in Beijing 中国大饭店宴会厅北京
- Look no further than China World Hotel for a wide choice of different cuisine options in Beijing to tantalise your tastebuds. 要在北京搜寻各式美食来满足味蕾,除了中国大饭店外别无他选。
- Press Releasing of Appointing World's Boxing Champion-Hollifield as lmage Envoy held in China world Hotel in 2001. 2001年,在中国大饭店承办的世界拳王霍利霏尔德出任应大皮革形象大使的新闻发布会。
- Fourrh Conference of Energy Cooperation of Sino-EU held in China world Hotel in 2001. 2001年,在中国大饭店承办的第四届中国--欧洲联盟能源合作大会。
- Mr.Stefan Bollhalder, General Manager of China World Hotel, Beijing, said, “ We are ending the year 2005 on a memorable note indeed. 中国大饭店总经理薄贺德先生说:“我们为2005年画上了圆满的句号。
- Do you know of a good hotel in Beijing? 您知道北京哪一家旅馆比较好吗?
- In his new capacity at China World Hotel, Beijing, Chef Romine will be responsible for the food quality standards and overall operations in the hotel's restaurants and banquet kitchens. 罗曼此次任职于北京中国大饭店,将全面负责饭店内各餐厅及宴会的厨房运营和食品安全标准。
- You're staying at the China World Hotel,one of the best hotels is town. 你们将住在中国大饭店,它是本市最佳旅馆之一,就在领事馆区旁。
- February 13 afternoon, the China World Hotel ballroom held a grand ceremony, Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien personally to be. 2月13日下午,中国大饭店宴会厅举行了隆重的签约仪式,加拿大总理克雷蒂安亲自到会。
- All participants must present the lunch coupon issued by the Or ga niz ing Committee for their lunch at Jinglun Hotel and China World Hotel. 所有参会代表凭会议发放的当日午餐券在指定的地点就餐。
- It is considered as one of the best hotels in Beijing. 它是北京最好的饭店之一。
- The China World Hotel is part of the China World Trade Center, offering guests unrivalled access to Beijing`s most sophisticated conference and exhibition facilities. 由香格里拉酒店集团管理,地处建国门外大街,该饭店集酒店、展览中心、购物中心、娱乐中心为一体,同时与国贸中心相邻。
- June 9 at the China World Hotel was held to promote the products, more than 300 people on June 16 will be receiving a subscription to the Yaohao Yaohao vouchers, very warm scene. 6月9日在中国大饭店举行的产品推介会上,300多人现场领取了将于6月16日摇号认购的摇号凭证,场面极为热烈。
- The China World Trade Center (CWTC) development in Beijing is a large long-term project in the heart of Beijing's Central Business District (CBD). 在北京中心商业区的CWTC项目是一个规模庞大且长周期的工程。
- An unapproved fireworks display by China's state broadcaster sparked an inferno that engulfed a hotel in Beijing, officials said today. 官员称:中央电视台未经许可燃放烟花将附近的文华东方酒店变成火海。
- I stop with my brother while I am in Beijing. 我去北京总是住在哥哥家里。
- Till recently, the only people on the street I saw from my hotel in Beijing were those going somewhere purposefully. 而直到最近,我从我在北京所住的酒店往外看,酒店所在街道上只有一些有目的地前往某地的人们。
- Banfi Wine Dinner at Aria, China World Hotel 中国大饭店阿丽雅餐厅,班菲酒厂葡萄酒晚宴
- For aught he knows, we might be in Beijing. 他不知道我们会在北京。
- Hi, everyone!!!! finally can be connected!!! I am now trasfer to a hotel in Beijing as we have now join a very loos... 大家都说过,坦诚是很重要的。无论你是在工作上、感情上、家庭上等等,大家都会要求的坦诚对待。大家又是否真正做得到呢...