- The author is chairman of China Steel Corp in Taiwan. 作者是台湾中钢公司董事长。
- Member of China Steel construction society Specialist Committee. 中国建筑金属结构协会建筑钢结构委员会专家。
- Well, why China Steel Association for pushing such a ridiculous Dongdong? 那么,中钢协为什么要力推这样一个荒谬的东东?
- To introduce foundation and development course of China Steel Wire Products Info Assn. 介绍了全国金属制品信息网的创建与发展历程。
- Person should have knowledge about China Steel Mills, Agents, Stockist in Jiangsu Province &Shanghai. 熟悉中国钢铁厂、江苏及上海钢材代理商、存货商。
- China Steel Association can not be sure it is not thought, but for such terrible "ambition", we can not but alert. 不敢肯定中钢协是不是这么想的,但对这种可怕的“野心”,我们却不能不警惕。
- The MOEA will urge China Steel Corp. to reduce exports to keep soaring domestic steel price under control. 经济部将呼吁中钢公司减少出口量,以平抑国内钢铁价格的上涨。
- This study is used for a project which tries to exchange the wood sleepers into concrete sleepers in China Steel. 摘要:中钢铁水运输铁路之全线道岔轨道至今仍使用木轨枕铺设,目前想改换成预力轨枕,以提高其成本效益。
- China Steel Group, CIMC, such as many large state-owned enterprises were involved in mergers and acquisitions abroad. 中钢集团、中集集团等多家大型国有企业均参与出境并购。
- Liaocheng seamless business experts said the increase rate of China Steel in Taiwan is likely to exceed 7%. 聊城无缝管企业相关专家称,台湾中钢提价幅度可能超过7%25。
- Taking China Steel XIYIE. Construction Machinery focus on the manufacture of heavy equipment, six industrial clusters. 以中钢西冶、建设机械为重点的重型设备制造等六大产业集群。
- The book of Wudao is worth expecting,it is the most complete painting book about China Steel Iron Waisted Dao / Jian in ... 无刀这本书是值得期待的,是至今为止国内最集大成的关于中国钢铁佩刀/剑画册。
- AAChengfeng High Strength Fasteners Branch Company is a registered member of China Fasteners Association and China Steel construction Association. AA乘风集团高强度紧固件分公司为中国紧固件专业协会、中国钢结构协会会员。
- An innovation technology was proposed and implemented successfully to accelerate cooling process for billets at China Steel Corporation(CSC). 小钢坯快速冷却床之开发为世界首创,历经实验、量测、仿真、脑力激荡、创意设计,才使这个研发技术获得实际的印证。
- The book of Wudao is worth expecting, it is the most complete painting book about China Steel Iron Waisted Dao/ Jian in China up to present. 无刀这本书是值得期待的,是至今为止国内最集大成的关于中国钢铁佩刀/画册。
- Taiwan's China Steel is Taiwan's largest steelmaker, announced earlier this month, 7,8-product retail price on increase of 7%. 台湾中钢是岛内最大的钢铁企业,本月初曾宣布7、8月产品内销价提高7%25。
- The book of Wudao is worth expecting,it is the most complete painting book about China Steel Iron Waisted Dao / Jian in China up to present. 无刀这本书是值得期待的,是至今为止国内最集大成的关于中国钢铁佩刀/剑画册。
- Coordinating units for chemical experimental analyses including China Steel Structure Company Metallurgy Division Chemical Experiment Unit and Kuo Hung Ltd. 化学试验分析配合单位包括中国钢铁冶金技术处化学试验组、国宏股份有限公司。
- In order to stabilize the League line-up, the club Perugia hope that the "China Steel," said Hao Yang of the Chinese women's volleyball star attacking players to join the club. 为了稳定联赛阵容,佩鲁贾俱乐部希望有“中国制铁”之称的中国女排主攻手杨昊加盟该俱乐部。
- China Steel Association asked prices 40-45 percent, while CVRD, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton ultimate price only 28-33%, with him and the Japanese steel companies reached agreement. 中钢协要求降价40%25至45%25,而淡水河谷、力拓及必和必拓最终只愿降价28%25至33%25,与他和日本钢铁企业达成的协议一致。