- China.org.cn - China news, weather, business, travel, language ... 包括企业内训,培训资源,培训顾问,行业咨询,音像图书。
- What will be the political orientation of the New China News in its second year? 《新中华报》第二年的政治方向是什么?
- The Chinanews online service (Chinanews.com) is the website launched by China News Service (CNS). 中国新闻网简称中新网,由中国新闻社主办。
- This article was written by Comrade Mao Tse-tung for the New China News of Yenan on the occasion of its first anniversary. 这是毛泽东为延安《新中华报》改版一周年纪念写的文章。
- China News Service reports that 100 pairs of twins participated inthe event on Sunday. Their ages range from 6 months to 56yearsold. 中国新闻网报道说,星期天有100对双胞胎参加了这项庆祝活动。他们的年龄从6岁到56岁不等。
- According to China News survey of more than 3900 people interviewed, 68% of the User that "Hu Zhi will continue to drop. 据中国新闻网的调查显示,超过3900人的受访者中,有68%25的网友认为“沪指会继续下跌”。
- Chinas new energy transfusion may still work fitfully. 这虽不是梦境,但感觉像是。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1-Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日电国土资源部今天发出通知称,实行最严格的土地管理制度决不是权宜之计。
- We have read your statement of September 1 in today's New China News ; it covers some of our questions,but there are others on which we would like you to elaborate. 今天在《新中华报》上看了毛先生九月一日的谈话,有些问题已经说到了,有些尚请毛先生补充。
- Prices of discounted tickets for economy class will rise by 20% starting Monday with a new pricing scheme taking effect among domestic airlines, China News Service reported. 据中新社报道,20日起,国内各航空公司将实行新的运价体系,由此,国内航班出售的经济舱打折票价将普遍上涨约两成。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Zhao Shengyu) - Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日电(记者赵胜玉)国土资源部今天发出通知称,实行最严格的土地管理制度决不是权宜之计。
- The Ministry of Information Industry (MII) has issued a new regulation to supervise and standardise the short messaging services (SMS) market, reportsthe China News Service. 据中新社报导,信息产业部早前发布了一条用以监管和规范短讯服务市场的新条例。
- Negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by T/T on the Bank of China New York branch certifying that the credit terms have been complied with. 议付行证明本信用证条款已履行,可按电汇索偿条款向中国银行纽约分行索回货款。
- The museum is named after Mr.Liu Haisu, one of the founders of China New Art Movement, and in scribed by the nation's President, Jiang Zemin. 它是以中国新美术运动的奠基人之一刘海粟先生之名命名的。
- The German capital of Berlin has seen at least 29 luxury sedans set on fire since this year, including Citroens, BMWs and Porsches, the China News Service reported Monday. 据中新网2日报道,今年以来,德国首都柏林至少已有29辆名车被焚,雪铁龙、宝马、保时捷都是遭袭目标。
- Dramatizing government concern, Premier Wen Jiabao helicoptered in Thursday to inspect the largest lake threatening Beichuan, the New China News Agency reported. 据中新社报道,为了表示政府的关怀,温家宝总理乘坐直升机前往灾区视察威胁北川县的堰塞湖,这是目前发现的最大的堰塞湖。
- Chinese newspaper,Chinese news,china news,fujian,fuzhou,Indexing of mondial Chinese newspaper,reading matter vetoring,newspaper's TXT download,use GB BIG-5 code,update everyday. 热点新闻导读;新闻邮件;中文GB;BIG-5兼备;每日更新.
- China news agency Xinhua on October 11 Xingyi (Ma Fung Shui) on October 11, the first National Games artificial rock mountain women, men come to a close exciting game speed. 中新社兴义十月十一日电(马逢萃)十月十一日,首届全国山地运动会人工岩壁女、男子速度赛精彩落幕。