- What do you think of China's entry to WTO? 你对中国入世有何看法?
- Discussion on the Impact of Entry to WTO to the Automotive Industry in China--Countermeasure to be taken for Dongfeng Liuzhou Automotive Co. Ltd. 浅谈加入WTO后对我国汽车工业的影响--兼谈东风柳州汽车有限公司应采取的对策。
- In the new century, HK's bridge role was wakened by the mainland's entry to WTO and the accelerated opening, while the mainland's importance to HK was strengthened. 进入新世纪,内地入世和加速开放使香港对内地的桥梁作用减弱,而内地作为香港产品的市场和转口贸易货源地以及香港资本目的地的作用增强。
- After China entry to WTO, CPIC not only confronts with the mutual competition of Chinese companies but also the challenge of foreign insurance companies. 中国入世之后,太平洋保险公司不仅面对国内保险公司的竞争,更要面临国外外资保险公司的挑战和竞争。
- With China’s entrying to the WTO two years ago, Chinese automotive industry is encountering an unexceptionable development opportunity . 中国加入WTO两年多时间,中国汽车工业迎来了前所未有的发展机遇,汽车市场全面启动,汽车产量提前三年完成汽车“十五”规划。
- The entry to WTO means an overall open, and the ownership reform, happening both in the inside and outside of the system simultaneously, will promote China's banking industry to plurality and multi-levers. 体制内外产权改革的并进将使未来中国银行业的结构走向多元化、多层次的竞争局面。
- China's entry to WTO predicates that she has to open her domestic market to the outside, and reduce the tariff and non-tariff barriers so as to bring her domestic market into the world-economy system. 这意味着我国必须逐步开放国内市场,大幅度削减关税和非关税壁垒,把本国市场纳入到整个世界市场体系中。
- In order for a user’s entry to be correct, he needs to know exactly what the program expects. 用户为了正确地输入,必须准确地知道程序期望的是什么。
- With the internet"s entry to commercializing developmental stage, news competition between news website and portal website. 随着互联网进入商业化发展阶段,新闻网站和门户网站之间的新闻竞争空前激烈。
- The principle of Chinese entry to WTO is mainly at the cost of decreasing tariff and at the premiss of enjoying improving Chinese treatment. 中国加入WTO的原则是以市场准入和关税减让为主要代价,并以享受发展中国家待遇为前提。
- China’s entry into the WTO encourages more people to learn English. 中国加入世界贸易组织鼓励了更多的人学习英语。
- By using "BoTe model", the article analyses the competition structure and situation of the Chinese retail business after the entry to WTO, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure. 运用“波特模型”分析“入世”后中国零售业的竞争结构和态势,阐述我国零售业的现状及弊端,并提出相应对策。
- By using " BoTe model”, the article analyses the competition structure and situation of the Chinese retail business after the entry to WTO, and puts forward the corresponding countermeasure. 运用“波特模型”分析“入世”后中国零售业的竞争结构和态势,阐述我国零售业的现状及弊端,并提出相应对策。
- Not yet. But China is on the way to WTO. 还不是,但中国正在加入的进程中。
- Furthermore, Chinese entry to WTO redounds to increasing export amount of those products.All in all, joining WTO will bring mechano-electronic industry of our country both chances and challenges. 综上所述,加入WTO给我国机电行业带来的机遇和挑战是同时存在的,我国机电工业应当以加入世贸组织为契机,充分利用国家的优惠政策和WTO的贸易原则,扩大机电产品的出口;
- Professor Gu Kejian delivered a lecture entitled “What is the impact of China’s entry into WTO on its economy? 谷克鉴老师做了题为“中国加入WTO后对其经济的影响”的讲座。
- Especially, after China? s entry into the WTO, Bidding as abridge shall be paid attention widely. 尤其在中国加入WTO后,我国的招投标的桥梁作用将更加显著,更应各方面广泛重视。
- The Agricultural Policy Adjusting after China Entry to WTO 论加入WTO后我国农业政策的调整
- After China’s entry into WTO, tariff for manufacturing goods would reduce from 14.3% to 9.1% and for agriculture from 23.2% to 15.3%. 入“世”后,中国的加工产品关税要从14.;3%25降到9
- With china’s entry into the WTO, the successful resolution of NPL will be very beneficial to commercial bank’s operation status. 随着中国加入世界贸易组织和中国商业银行市场化战略的推进,处理中国商业银行的不良资产任务迫切,意义重大。