- Besides having relatively large representativeness, my research that is based on China’s security market has two other reasons as follows. 作为新兴市场的中国证券市场,由于其本身固有的特质,使得其成为行为金融学的最佳例证。
- China' s securities market 中国证券市场
- China securities market yearbook II. 中国证券统计年报2。
- Does China's Securities Market Have Property- Creating Effect? 中国股市有财富效应吗?
- The title of my thesis is "a look at China's securities market". 我这篇论文的题目是《中国证券市场探析》。
- Unit 1 Why do Securities Markets Exist? 单元1证券市场为什么存在?
- Herd behavior is an anomaly in securities market. 羊群效应是证券市场的一种异象。
- Mary Schapiro, the chairman of America’s Securities and Exchange Commission, called for an “intense review” of the function of credit-rating agencies in the markets. 证券交易管理委员会主席玛丽夏皮罗要求对信用评级机构的作用“加大检查力度”。
- UNIX OS's Security and User Management Strategy. UNIX操作系统安全机制与管理策略。
- China' s joining WTO indicates that the dome stic security market will scale -up a nd be gradually open to the world. 加入WTO,意味着中国证券市场规模将迅速扩大,对外资开放程度将逐渐提高。
- The securities market should be further standardized and developed. 进一步规范和发展证券市场。
- Structural optimization and institutional innovation of China securities market II. 中国证券市场结构优化与制度创新2。
- Therefore, it is the focus of this paper on how to accomplish the retracking of China"s securities company at present stage, and to solve self-chronic-illness in the process of its development. 因此,我国的证券公司如何在现阶段有效地实现转型,在发展的过程中解决自身的痼疾是本文探讨的中心。
- Meanwhile, China's securities market invalid points or inefficient points, arbitrage opportunities fertile. 另外,目前,中国证券市场无效点或低效点多,套利机会肥沃。
- Abstract: This paper studies the limits on China securities market by analytical comparison. 摘要:本篇论文利用对比分析的方法讨论了实行涨跌停板对我国证券市场的影响。
- In recent years, apparent progress was seen in Taiwan and China's efforts to internationalize their local securities markets. 两岸证券市场近年来均积极进行国际化,并已获致初步成果。
- Third, perfect the structure of security market. 完善证券市场结构;
- Article 31. CSRC and SAFE should annually review QFII's Securities Investment Licence and Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate. 第三十一条中国证监会和国家外汇局应当对合格投资者的证券投资业务许可证、外汇登记证进行年检。
- The security market shows some trace of the bubble. 证券市场最近有些虚热的迹象。
- Mowaffak al-Rubaie, Iraq’s security advisor, denied the allegation. 伊拉克政府安全顾问阿尔-鲁贝叶否认了守墓人的这一说法。