- China women athletes are very good at weight-lifting too. 中国女运动员也很擅长于举重。
- In China women spend a lot of money to whiten their skin. 中国女人花很多钱来美白皮肤。
- In China women have the right to family planning and the freedom to choose not to give birth. 在中国,妇女有计划生育子女的权利,也有不生育的自由。
- Liu Yanan of China women's volleyball high font, and overall defensive ability is outstanding. 刘亚男是中国女排高效副攻,而且整体防守能力十分突出。
- North China Women And Childrens Pressn. 北方妇女儿童出版社
- Backed by Unicef and carried out by the All China Women's Federation, it is said to be the first scientific survey to tackle the issue in China. 这项由联合国儿童基金会支持,全国妇联开展的调查据称是第一次应对这个问题的科学调查。
- China Women Federation wrote a letter to medical workers fighting SARS at the front line to extend gratitude and appreciation. 中华全国妇女联合会写慰问信给战斗在抗击非典一线的医务工作者,表达谢忱之意。
- China women's soccer head coach Elisabeth Loisel is likely to be dismissed by the China Football Association, Beijing media reported Thursday. 北京媒体3月13日报道,中国女足主教练伊丽莎白很可能将被中国足协解雇,国家体育总局已经同意足协重新选定女足主帅。
- Later in 1984,after obtaining their three successive championships, the lovely girls of China Women volleybal team joined the prade. 1984年中国女排三连冠的时候,国庆大典的队伍中出现了可爱的女排姑娘。
- Vice-Chairman of All China Women's Federation, Chen Yan-secretary in Hongjiang District (AIDS) Care Center treatment of the patients and work. 全国妇联副主席,书记处书记甄砚在洪江区(艾滋病)关爱中心观看在该中心治疗的病人和工作情况。
- A fresh,comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray - bearded man. 一位年轻漂亮的妇人忙穿过人群去偷偷地看了一眼那位胡子斑白的男士。
- She is china woman, don help their country never mind, but y shld she ask all alive person go n die.HEARTLESS CHINA PERSON!!! 虽然不应说这些话,但每个人应有言论自由的权利,听说她公安拘捕,本人强烈抗议!
- Women Press and Women's Liberation Movement 中国近代女性报刊与妇女解放
- This article from four parts, emancipates the mind to the NewDemocraticRevolution time Communist Party of China woman to carry onthe elaboration. 本文从四个部分,对新民主主义革命时期中国共产党妇女解放思想进行阐述。
- A fresh,comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray-bearded man. 一位年轻漂亮的妇人忙穿过人群去偷偷地看了一眼那位胡子斑白的男士。
- The press in China widely reported the event. 中国报界广泛报导了此事。
- A buddy from Singapore has these reasons why a foreigner has comparative advantages when he manages to cajole a mainland China woman to visit him. 一个伙计从新加坡有这些原因为什么外国人有比较好处当他设法诱骗中国大陆妇女拜访他。
- A fresh, comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray - bearded man. 一位年轻漂亮的妇人忙穿过人群去偷偷地看了一眼那位胡子斑白的男士。
- A fresh, comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray-bearded man. 一位年轻漂亮的妇人忙穿过人群去偷偷地看了一眼那位胡子斑白的男士。
- The third part, summarized the New Democratic Revolution timeCommunistParty of China women to emancipate the mind thecharacteristic and elaborated itsvital significance. 第三部分,总结了新民主主义革命时期中国共产党妇女解放思想的特点并阐述了其重要意义。