- Chinese Medicine Prescription to Alleviate the Symptoms of Child - bearing Age Female Womb Removed after Menopause Research 中药方剂缓解育龄女性子宫切除后更年期症状的研究
- Study of Soft Birth Canal Injuries Among Child bearing Age Women of Miao and Tujia Nationalities 苗族育龄女性软产道产伤性损伤的研究
- Fractional utilization of reduced iron powder in Chinese child bearing age women with dual stable isotopes 双标稳定性同位素技术研究中国育龄妇女对还原铁粉的标份利用率
- s OBJECTIVE Toexplore the differences of the idea and behavior on bearing of the couples at child bearing age in urbanities. 目的了解我国城市育龄夫妇的生育观及生育行为的差异及其规律。
- child bearing age women 育龄妇女
- women at child bearing age 育龄妇女
- Knowledge and behavior regarding of folic acid for the prevention of neural tube defeds among obstetricians, maternal and child health care providers and women at child bearing age 叶酸预防神经管畸形在相关人群中的知晓率及行为
- A euphem ism for a child born to an unw ed m other. 意为“私生子”,这一表达方式是对未婚女子所生婴儿的委婉的说法。
- Child born on Saturday, make a living strugglingly. 星期六出生的孩子,要很努力的谋生。
- A euphem ism for a child born to an unw ed other. 意为“私生子”,这一表达方式是对未婚女子所生婴儿的委婉的说法。
- Child born on Wednesday, full of dolorousness. 星期三出生的孩子,有很多的忧伤。
- Objective To study CT findings and diagnostic value in tumor of extrauterine pregnancy of woman of bearing age. 目的:探讨育龄期妇女包块型宫外孕的CT表现及诊断价值。
- Abstract] Objective To study the effect of Yanggan Hexue formula on serum inhibin B(INHB)in first aging female rat. 目的探讨养肝和血方对雌性初老大鼠血清抑制素的影响。
- The child bears a striking resemblance to the parents. 这个孩子极像他父母。
- Child born on Thursday, have to be far away from homeplace. 星期四出生的孩子,要离开自己出生的地方很远。
- Results: Carcinosarcoma is a extremely rare, high malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and often occurs in middle aged female. 结果:胆囊癌肉瘤罕见,女性多于男性,恶性度高,预后差。
- The number of children borne by one woman. 已产子女数一名妇女所生的子女数
- One of three children born at one birth. 三胞胎中的一个
- The Dissertation About the Ninety Age Female Prose 九十年代女性散文隅论
- Without an effective female-controlled contraceptive, a young woman faced the prospect of three decades of child bearing. 缺乏有效的避孕措施,年轻女性就要面对未来长期的子女抚养问题。