- The Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation. 警察局长坚决否认这个指控。
- The rebel leader meet the chief of police in secret. 造反派领袖与警察首领秘密会见。
- A violation of Navy security regulations. 他把文件放在家里至少违反了海军的安全条例。
- The chief of the police department demanded severe punishments for criminals. 警察局长要求严惩罪犯。
- The maximum head of NAVI pump is 400m. 纳威泵的最大扬程是400米。
- That name-dropper mentioned "his pal", the chief of police. 那个家伙又抬出他的"兄弟"警察局长的名号来自抬身价。
- The president is also the chief of the armed forces. 总统也是三军的统帅。
- Deputy chief of the general stuff of Navy Headquarter, MND Deputy Chief of Staff 国防部海军司令部副参谋长
- The president is chief of the armed forces. 总统是武装部队的首脑。
- Noah Townsend did step down as chief of medicine. 诺亚·汤森特的确不再担任内科主任。
- Energy cost of Navy Corpsman's Vital Signs reduced from 10 to 5. 海军医务兵的重要信息提示耗魔从10减少到5。
- According to the Charter, the president is chief of the armed forces. 根据宪法规定,总统是武装部队的首脑。
- He is the commander in chief of an expedition. 他是远征队的统帅。
- I informed the President and the Chief of Staff. 我向总统和参谋长做了报告。
- The chief of these people is the general foreman. 这些人的领导人是总工长。
- The chief of the gods was called Zeus. 而这些神的首领叫“宙斯”。
- Zeus, chief of the gods, loved her very much. 众神之王宙斯非常爱她。
- I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. 我曾是西北日报的主编。
- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. 白宫总参谋长:安德鲁
- Chief of Navy Reserve 海军后备队司令