- The chief aim of man is not to get money. 人的主要目的并不是赚钱。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- The chief conductor turned out to be a young woman. 列车长原来是一位青年妇女。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- His opinion differs entirely from mine. 他的意见和我的完全不同。
- My chief worry is that he doesn't have experience. 我的主要忧虑是他没有经验。
- The chief accountant of a manufacturing group. 一个制造业集团的总会计师。
- Rice is the chief crop in this ares. 稻子是这一地区的主要作物。
- Success is mine if I stick it out. 只要我坚持到底成功就是我的。
- He has been quietly booted out as chief. 他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。
- What are the chief exports of your country? 你们国家有哪些主要的出口物品?
- What is the chief town in Norway? 挪威的主要城市是哪一个?
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。
- I knocked into an old friend of mine in the park. 我昨天在公园里碰见一位老朋友。
- I would like you to meet a friend of mine. 我想让你和我一个朋友见见面。
- His book is the best on the subject after mine. 他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。
- The Sioux chief is a very wise man. 苏人酋长是个很睿智的人。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。