- Chiba Mitsuru 千叶满(?-?)
- The first prize was won by Masato Chiba from Japan. 夺得第一名的是来自日本千叶正人.
- Chiba Pref. Overseas Trade Cooperative Assn. 宁可千叶。国外商业合作协会。
- She is safe and training in a hut in Chiba. 她很安全,现在正在千叶的一个小屋里训练。”
- D. degree by Chiba University of Japan in 1997. 1997年获日本国千叶大学理学博士。
- Major Ports: Yokohama, Nagoya, Tokyo, Kobe, Osaka, Chiba. 主要港口:横滨、名古屋、东京、神户、大阪、千叶。
- Experience was born in Tokyo, living in Chiba City, Sichuan cities. 生于东京都,住在千叶县市川市。
- Chiba lunch at noon that day, we excitedly rushed to the Bund. 那天中午吃罢午饭,我们便兴冲冲地赶往外滩。
- Mitsuru: For a long time, even during my childhood, I drummed on everything. 很长一段时间,甚至在我很小的时候,我敲任何东西。(囧)
- A weak quake shook Chiba, near the capital, about five minutes earlier. 约5分钟之前,在距东京不远的千叶市也有过一次微震。
- TOSHIBA TOSMAP DCS system is used on unit No. 2 in CHIBA Power Plant,Japan. 日本千叶火力发电站2号系列使用东芝TOSMAP分散控制系统。
- The 7th typhoon landed on the shores nearby Chiba Tokyo over 8pm tonight. 今晚8点多;7号台风在日本千叶县的沿岸附近登陆了.
- Nishikawa Mitsuru,Literary Works About Taiwan,Cutural Colonialism,Exoticism,Otherness. 01西川满;台湾题材;“文化殖民”;异国情调;他者性
- Nishikawa Mitsuru was not only a writer but also a colonist, so he had double identities and double characters. 西川满具有作家和殖民者的双重身份和双重性格。
- The 128-bit blick encryption algorithm Camellia is an NESSIE chosen al gorithm by Japanese cryptographers Shiho Moriai and Mitsuru Matsui. Camellia算法是NESSIE选择的一个128bit的分组加密算法,它与AES一起作为欧洲的加密标准。
- However, the novels of Nishikawa Mitsuru couldn"t chuck the restriction of narrating the stories in the mood of The Other, under the influence of exoticism. 但是,其小说始终未能摆脱异国情调笼罩下的“他者”陈述的局囿。
- Was originated by Shigeru Chiba of the Department of Mathematics and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology. 是由东京技术学院的数学和计算机科学系的Shigeru Chiba所创建的。
- K.Huang, K.Wang, &S.Y.Chiu(1999). Design of a Scaffolding Environment for Learning Object-oriented Programming. ICCE, Chiba, Japan. 黄国鸿、王国华、邱守榕(2000)以参与实务社群为主之情境化学习环境的设计与应用,技专校院与校外学习型组织建立教育夥伴关系国际研讨会。
- Generally refers to the west from Chiba, after Tokyo, Yokohama, Shizuoka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe area. 一般指从千叶向西,经过东京、横滨、静冈、名古屋,到京都、大阪、神户的范围。
- This legendary samurai epic stars Sonny Chiba as one of the two sons of the recently deceased instructor of the Shogun. 在这部讲述武士传说的影片中,千叶真一饰演刚过世的幕府将军之子。