- The mountainous Lantau Island, stretching from the centre left to up right, Soko Islands in the centre right, Hei Ling Chau directly above the Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, Peng Chau to its left. 中文:图片中间是大屿山,见到石壁水塘、东涌和香港国际机场。
- English : The mountainous Lantau Island, stretching from the centre left to up right, Soko Islands in the centre right, Hei Ling Chau directly above the Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, Peng Chau to its left. 中文:图片中间是大屿山,见到石壁水塘、东涌和香港国际机场。
- Chi Ma Wan Peninsula 芝麻湾半岛
- Since 1994,the medium security Chi Ma Wan Correctional Institution has held adult and young female prisoners to cope with an increasing population of female offenders. 为应付女犯数目不断增加,当局于一九九四年开设一间属于中度设防的芝湾惩教所,收容成年及年轻女犯。
- Since 1994, the medium security Chi Ma Wan Correctional Institution has held adult and young female prisoners to cope with an increasing population of female offenders. 为应付女犯数目不断增加,当局于一九九四年开设一间属于中度设防的芝湾惩教所,收容成年及年轻女犯。
- To cope with the increasing demand for the treatment of female addicts,Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre (Lower) was converted to a female drug addiction treatment centre with facilities for 250 female inmates. 为应付治疗女吸毒犯方面日益增加的需要,当局把芝?湾羁留中心(下营)改建为一间女戒毒所。所内设施可为250名女所员提供戒毒治疗。
- Beautiful calm lake, the length and breadth of Hu Wan Peninsula, beautiful cross-strait summit, Chang Jun towering, many rare animals, Poem picturesque scenery. 湖面平静秀丽,胡湾半岛星罗棋布,两岸山峰秀丽,苍峻巍峨,珍稀动物繁多,风景如诗如画。
- The double-deck Lantau Link consists of the Tsing Ma Bridge linking Tsing Yi to Ma Wan; a viaduct over Ma Wan; and the cable-stayed Kap Shui Mun Bridge linking Ma Wan to Lantau. 青屿干线采用双层结构,其组成部分包括连接青衣与马湾的青马大桥、跨越马湾的高架道路,以及采用斜拉桥设计、连接马湾与大屿山的汲水门大桥。
- This location means that many river trade vessels will be able to avoid the busy Ma Wan Channel. 码头位于屯门,许多内河船只将可避免使用繁忙的马湾海峡。
- The basic pattern during flood tides is for oceanic water to flow north into Mirs Bay, west through Victoria Harbourand north through Kap Shui Mun and the Ma Wan Channel. 潮涨时的基本模式是海水向北流入大鹏湾,西经维多利亚港,北通汲水门及马湾海峡。
- The distinctive Ark on the Ma Wan waterfront overlooks the Rambler Channel and Tsing Ma Bridge. 挪亚方舟位处香港的马湾岛海湾,建筑宏伟独特,拥览辽濶海景,与知名的青马大桥互相辉映。
- Related areas include Yau Kam Tau, Ting Kau, Sham Tseng, Ma Wan, North Lautau and Lei Muk Shue. 范围包括油柑头、汀九、深井、青龙头、马湾、大屿山北部及梨木树等等。
- Holistic personal development is one of the main aims behind Ma Wan Park, providing children with all-round learning in a natural environment. 我们非常重视下一代的全人发展,马湾公园其中一个重要的发展理念,是为孩子创建一个与大自然融合的优质户外学习园地。
- The World Health Organisation Scientist in Vector Control, Dr Chang Moh-seng, accompanied by the Director, visits Ma Wan to examine the ovitrap survey. 世界衞生组织病媒防治科学家曾茂成博士访港,在署长陪同下,实地视察马湾诱蚊产卵指数调查。
- Pei Zangmu Park West from the eastern side of the Mausoleum of about 1100 meters, east to Ma Wan Xiang Jia Ya-meter highland village edge. 陪葬墓园区西起帝陵东侧约1100米处,东到马家湾乡米家崖村塬边。
- The basic pattern during flood tides is for oceanic water to flow north into Mirs Bay,west through Victoria Harbourand north through Kap Shui Mun and the Ma Wan Channel. 潮涨时的基本模式是海水向北流入大鹏湾,西经维多利亚港,北通汲水门及马湾海峡。
- In the hazard to life assessment for the Ma Wan Channel route, the EIA concludes that the risk of transit is acceptable according to the Government guideline. 在马湾海峡航线的生命危害评估方面,环评报告认为根据政府指引,运载风险属可接受类别。
- Park Island on Ma Wan has shops along the pier and a commercial complex at Tung Wan Beach, providing around 85,000 sq. Ft. Of retail area containing various shops and restaurants. 位于马湾的珀丽湾,沿码头设有商铺,另于东湾设有海滩商场,购物商铺总面积约85,000平方尺,提供各式商铺及食肆。
- In addition, a local traffic control station at Gemini Point, together with a dedicated patrol launch, monitors the traffic using the Ma Wan Channel on a 24-hour basis and provides escort services to large vessels during their transit through the area. 此外,位于双仙角的区内交通控制站,配备专责巡逻的小轮,24小时监察马湾海峡的交通,并在大型船舶航经该区时,提供护航服务。
- From late June to mid-November, the AMO conducted a large-scale rescue excavation at the northern sandbar of Tung Wan Tsai on Ma Wan, site of a large-scale residential development by the Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. 由于马湾东湾仔北面沙堤将会因新鸿基地产有限公司一项大型住宅发展计划而受到影响,古物古迹办事处于六月底至十一月中期间,也在该处进行了一次大规模抢救发掘工作。